Thanks for the (rather generous) appraisal, Raww. Some responses:

With respect to crafting materials - today's update will add a liquidation value to these items so you can earn credits from the stuff you don't want/need.

On the subject of elite crafting component and schematic drops - they are indeed very rare. Bios, hulks and bosses all have a chance to drop these. I don't see players farming the mid-level miniboss monsters as much; instead going straight to the end boss with expectations of higher drop chances. This is not a good strategy. I would recommend sweeping the entire zone and eliminating all of the monsters for the best chance to loot all of the available drops.

The foregoing is a great example of what I should have included in the guide to Level 61 that I didn't create. No excuses - I just didn't make one.

As for other stuff to do once you've completed all of the Level 61 content - I've added a new set of 61 Honor Elite gear. Wear the full set of 61 Honor Elite to enter the Honor Arena and/or the new "Streets of Honor" CTF map. Like the other Honor arena, you cannot swap gear and you can't use gear that can be modified. Note: the new Level 61 Honor Elite items are *useless* in PvE.

Thanks again for the constructive critique!