I think the addition of item packs was a great idea as I am one of those players who never spends stuff on fake virutual currency and I keep buying these birthday boxes. I think boxes like this should be a thing in the next cap and you can choose to spend plat for a higher chance of gear than the gold version.

This will be my 7th birthday as I have been here since 2012 and I wouldn’t change any of the experiences for anything. This game helped me get my mind off a lot of crap in my life. This game plays a apart of shaping my life and I thank you for it. I think the future is bright for this game and hope we see an increase in new and returning players. Once a PL player always a PL player.

Cinco you are the only name that I know of really in the Sts community, but tell the guys they are doing a great job from me. Thank you for everything!