Obviously if you leave the game "in combat" you get a death...hard to tell sometimes what the game considers in combat, because I've left at a few different times and situations in games, all never under direct fire, and received a death for each. Whatever, not the issue here.

Say you're in a 2 vs 1 in your favor, and someone joins...and they join your team, making it 3 vs 1. Happens all the time. Instead of having the 1 kid leave making it 3 vs 0 and a waste of time, I usually leave the game and join the other team. Unfortunately, every time this happens I get a death. I know some people don't care about their ratio, but I do. While I am pro 'rushing', a term I still believe to be fabricated in the minds of people who can't handle defeat, anyone who has played against me knows that I won't join in if the fight is heavily staggered in one direction. I don't get why leaving the game to make things fair penalizes me. It just further promotes unfair teams if you're going to get a death, something you're trying to avoid, for trying to be a good sport.

I'm sure STS is working on a way to better balance teams and a penalty system, just thought I'd throw this into the mix.