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I saw a thread a kid posted about aegis combo being unfair, well let's talk facts it's actually the best thing that happened to pvp so far.
If yall look closely, before those new weapons arrive (relic exalted aegis) that's how a 1v1 would go: both using razors and only one of them lands combo and that my friends is what is called unfair, but now after the aegis relic, that's how a 1v1 would go: both using aegis and both having 90% chance of landing combo and both will land combo which means it would be about your timing and the way you play to counter your enemy moves and land combo first etc... I seen purifysoul's thread about the combo, everything mentioned is true but they did the opposite of what the people wanted back then which is make the chance of combo higher so everyone gets to land it and that's very smart thank you Cinco, pvp is fun once again, plus the aegis gave a chance for other builds which means not everyone will use the same build (hybrid) forever, after the aegis you see nuke you see leap rats etc and that's what we need for pvp , plus atleast you can get so many kills again before people would be running especially in ctf cause too much Armor but now no you can get kills fast and it's fun very fun
Before exalted aegis combo: Dead Ctf arenas, always death match only.
Dead builds, only hybrid (brim)
Ages to get a kill
Unfair combo that lands for only some lucky people and not for everyone
Very toxic pvp always running less chance to get kills not fun gameplay
After exalted aegis combo: Active Ctf arenas and Active death match wars
Every build you use is useful and has a chance to compete against hybrid ( brim ) = more fun pvp not one guild based
Fast and more kills
Fair combo that everyone has the chance to land
Less toxic pvp no running more chance of getting high kills and so much fun gameplay
I'm gonna get kids raging now cause I'm right on every point but hopefully I 'll get mature smart comments just how smart my thread is speaking of the aegis
Exalted aegis combo should not be nerfed, if you want It nerfed then go read purify soul's thread and ask for that to happen which is mainly about getting rid of the whole combo idea from pvp instead of having it land for only some ppl not for everyone. Thanks Cinco and every developer that had a part in this, youre very smart good job thanks for making pvp fun again that's all we needed