At level 20, you'd have both dex and str, without int at all. If you use the "tank" set up, your paladin will be terrible at this level. Paladin in any level bellow 50 is not used for tanking. It's used for damage. And it's only better damage at 21-35 (21-25 using an onyx 2h, 30-35 using an iceberg 2h). At 35 a paladin won't have much more skill damage over a dex/int voodoo Mage. (my own 35 pally vs my voodoo), but it's auto attack is about 2.5x higher, making it much more dangerous lol. In 20's, if you have a pounder, I think you might be able to get more skill damage, but without the crit buff, it's pointless. Stick to int/dex or just int bellow 21, and over 36.