Another thread about ebon weapons.
First of all, why ebon dagger reflect damage? the description talks about a damaging aura like a super strong magma, no referement to a reflection.
Infact daggers proc deal damage to stunned enemies but also reflect back damage, pls anyone can control that? Probably a bug in the script?
Second point, the reflect weapons like staff and aegis. Did they really reflect? Reflect mean that I avoid the damage that I reflect so if I reflect 15 % of total dmg I also get only 85% of total damage to me (because 15% Is reflected).
Third point, damage reflection weapons staff and aegis was fixed because reflect have no restriction. So super heavy attacks from bosses result in an instant kill of boss during proc.
Now reflection effect is fixed, and the efficiency is based on healt. To be more precise total healt correspond in maximum reflection and the lower your healt is consequently result in less reflection.
Well If u talk about tank class that works particularly well, but again if u talk about the mage class this is just terrible.
Aegis have like Doble reflection and tanks have Double of mage hp. The result is the aegis proc deal x4 damage of the staff.
I don't think this is the intended fix for those weapons, maybe staff proc will be based on total mana?
Any suggestion?
Some technical detail and explanation will help. Hope this will be a constructive comment.
Ty for your time.