just replying to get my 10 posts. :-/
just replying to get my 10 posts. :-/
Hello, really having fun playing arcane legends. Wanted to ask why I'm not able to make a new thread here in the forum though?
So when can I create my own threads? I've been playing arcane legends for almost a month now and have been posting on the forum yet I still can't make a thread.
10 posts if u dont mind
B> 2pcs arc shard![]()
To everyone at Spacetime Studios, to my friends, to my officers, to my guild members, and to the Arcane Legends community,
First off, I would like to thank everyone for all the great things they have ever done.
In terms of a few things I would like to see:
I would like to have the ability to save more vanity loadouts.
I would like the ability to purchase home mail stamps using gold in the store.
I would like the ability to purchase guild furniture and guild halls using gold in the store.
I would like the ability to make vanity items stackable to make inventory and stash easier to navigate, and enable the ability to buy and sell vanity in bulk amounts.
My favorite things about Arcane Legends are the fun social interactions in the game; working together with friends to make a fun, active, and op guild; visiting and designing homes; designing guild halls; hanging out in towns; new and different vanity; new and different events; and the auction & trading system.
I've been playing on and off since 2014 and have had the great fortune of meeting the most amazing people, and of developing the best friendships. I've had so much fun joking around, learning about others, and discussing numerous different topics. I like that the game is bright and fun, compared to many games that are so dark and serious. I truly love this game and hope it continues forever. I appreciate the hard work that all the workers at Spacetime Studios have done and continue to do. I appreciate all the friends I've met, and the friends that have helped me throughout my life.
Arcanedax aka Bradcrawfords
GM <Is Bored>
GM <Wrong>
1° I think the new journey is still interesting
2° I found it difficult to get slots from inventors, even today slots are standard because they are very expensive.
3° The easiest thing is to discover all the content, otherwise it ends up being a little complicated. Usually players only want to play with you if you have a kraken set, this is very expensive.
4° I really enjoyed the leveling experience and knowing how the maps work, after reaching level 81 it becomes boring because you don't have equipment and someone stronger to help you.
As someone who spent years playing and spending, and quit at last. The most honest feedback i can give is start focusing on newer players progression, competitive pvp, more rewards for progression, for example, like new players and returning players actually got something isnane and wonderful for them to be hooked to the game. I was playing some other game not gonna say the name but they have this feature for new player, u basically got all the great gears, and 1 month blessings that gives u stuff like 100% xp, free removals/enchants, strong gears with lower grade, and alot of other stuff. And that blessing last for a whole month for new and returning players. + events that actually help u progress to the midgame. Midgame - lategame is where u actually grind. That game is 10 yrs old and new players can catchup which is really good, proly why how the game is still alive with crazy amount of players now. The mini,al requirement to play the game rn is too impossible sadly. I remember back then when the game basically forces me to spend in order for me to compete the lb, basically the game is too pay to win to be enjoyed by newer players, they will probably play a week+ at most before they realize its impossible to just catchup even 10%.
And lets be real, 70% of the high end players buy gold w real money anyways, thats public secret everyone knows. And if u remove the ingame trade, it will proly be the fall of al, best way to solve that is to make the game less p2w where ppl will actually start farming and stop buying gold. Cus the state of the game rn, in order for a new player to farm gold, they need gold loots and stuff, how the hell newer players can get high gl sets? how can they afford that xd, for new players the max they can get proly is under 100 gl wep with the money they got as new players which is basically useless. Even if they grind hard for a month as a new player they wont even be able to farm gold.
Just gonna leave this here even i quited years ago, since this was one of my most fav game not bcos of the game tho but cus of the friends i made in this game. Hell i was spending alot and i still gotta farm evg/dm 12hours+ a day. If u think im lyin u can proly ask ppl who knows me before, my ign was avaunts. I was basically a nolife grinder. But overall aside from the crazy heavy p2w, this game was fun, the community made it work ngl, love yall!
Could you msg me or write here the name of that game?
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Thanks bro
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10 posts if u dont mind
Very helpful thanks
add more mob packs on all zones especially low level ones, its little boring that theres more walking than fighting as newbie
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