Quote Originally Posted by Badzauberer View Post
1. Pvp mode that give same stat for all players.
2. Events only for vanities and pet.
3. No more gold farming in expansion map.
4. Mythic/Set/Arcane gears only available by crafting.
5. Crafting materials only drop in expansion maps/crates.
6. Add more aura.
7. Button to disable all/certain aura.
8. Heroic as the best pet class. Not arcane.
9. Buff mage.
10. A good new locked crate small, large, massive.
11. Free gears every 5 lvls until 75.
12. New tombs.
13. New jewels.
14. More artifacts.
15. More locations.
16. More crafting the items instead of simply loot it.
17. Increase daily quests xp rewards.
18. Update token NPCs.
19. Update the store.
20. Spirit weapon as the best.
21. Xp elix for pets.

Please comment.
I'm my opinion I like about 25% of this. The other stuff I'm not a fan of.
1: -1 people spend money to get better stats for this. I would like a mode that takes away that and keeps everyone lvl (but just a mode and not all together)
2: -1 I like how the events work now excluding arc items from crate pulls on random events but I'll get to that later on the crafting portion of your list
3: -1 I disagree with this. There should be a gold farming PERIOD. The change should be that you can farm on current lvl maps and old maps such as esg and maus. That way people can do all these to make money. (I am a fan of farming loot instead of gold but there's nothing to farm besides murk Stones or mire set. I would like other lootables throughout all maps and not just rng chests.
4: +1 I like the idea of crafting for these as well as them dropping from plat chests (sts has to make money some how) but being able to craft stuff over a grind is nice. (They had the right idea with new arc ring and amulet but I'd like to craft these through pieces of materials instead of coins)
5: +1 and -1. I'd like the crafting to not only be in current maps but have a chance to drop in other maps as well but I like the idea behind this one.
6: I do like this but I understand why it shouldn't be done.
7: this fixes the problem of #6 so +5
8: it is technically already this. There just isn't heroic versions of every pet yet. I honestly didn't like the addition of the "heroic" variations. I wish there was a crafting method to upgrade pets to arcinite.
9: -1000 mages are great at pve. And are great support for pvp. Yea no crap they don't win 1v1 vs rogue or tank. They all have their ups and downs.
10: that will come...
11: -1000 nope don't even do this. Lowell lvl gears become worthless.
12: +1 yep
13: +1 yep but I would like different buffs
14: -1 nah there's enough I'm cool with a few but there is a lot
15: location? As in maps or cities (I've been requesting for a mapping system update like SL where you can see every map open and join others)
16: -1 I like the idea but looting still key and need to be there (more than crafting even)
17: -1 nahh they give more then enough. It should be focused on killing mobs at higher lvl.
18: +1 yep needs to be done
19: +1 yep needs to be done (idk what your referencing to but I think it needs 71+ items and new vanities)
20: -1 and +1 I don't think it should be best but it should be nerfed to upgrade these and buffed on stats of armor and helm. Also I'd like them to upgraded not just on current maps but all maps to obtain xp
21: +1 yep

My thoughts from playing since PL and knowing what worked and did not work in each game