Fantastic! Love them all. I think something important to consider is the visual effect of the proc. I mean the bar was set by a giant shark, big green glowy rings, and a massive bomb! Not to mention lava pools and a big ol glowy shield (staff proc is.... ok *cough*)

I'd like to see some colorful and creative visuals to go along with the proc effects
Some ideas for visuals I'd like to see are
-Rift in floor, seen in bsm and oktaal. Yellow or maroon? Possibly to go along with banish?
-Enemies effected glow colored orbs possibly for a splash poison proc?
-Lightning visual on enemy(or enemies).... but many flashes of different colored strikes, giving a rainbow look
-Sandstorm visual to go along with the sand theme... size matters, block my whole screen idc
-Not pac-man.... but maybe his non-related completely uncopyrighted... purple friend, (EA.TZ-MAN) proc that rises from the ground and gobbles up the enemy, similar to how the shark proc works for elite marlin sword
-Buff proc visual that encloses you in a shield of the visual for XP orbs, but much larger. Color of choice, purple of course. Gold is old ;D
-Buff proc where your character skin is replaced with pure lava texture, clothes and all. Would go well with rings similar to mana shield
-Proc that spawns crosshairs on the ground, when destroyed, explodes like barrel or bomb. Visual could be a cannonball fired from a far away (off screen) ship.

Thanks for taking these into consideration!!! I may update with more, I'd love to hear every1 elses ideas too!