Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
Class specific weapons have always been a talking point.

On one hand classic pvpers primarily living in USA with a ping below 30, feel it makes the fight more fair.

What they do not consider is other players with ping over 250+ do in fact need sets to be non class specific to try different builds to sustain a longer life and more health and armor in order to survive and compete in pvp.

As a pure farmer myself I prefer the option to choose any type of set to farm with, as a ursan bear class farming with a ranged weapon is more effective than using a sword.

Give players the option to choose what builds and types of sets they prefer. It makes the game more interesting.

Non class specific weapons please.
This could not have been said any more perfect!!! Not to mention what about op sets? For example with the current meta bows vs str sets. How exactly is this fair? It's not. It would be a terrible decision to stick a specific class with a set they are stuck using because the can't use a different set due to the fact that the items are class specific.

Thank you!