Some ideas for new ultimates. The goal would be to try and better balance the game.

Mage: Deal massive damage to a single target that insta kills any minion. Deals an additional 500% to bosses.
This would essentially give mages the ability to kill off a specific big minion as well as give mages more usefulness in boss fights. Imo, mages already have best ultimates and it would be hard to replace energize.

Warrior: Buff all nearby allies with 100% boss damage for 10 seconds. Also adds 50% armor to all allies for this duration.
The goal here would make warriors relevant in boss fights, as well as buffing the parties armor during non-boss fights. The current state of warriors makes it very difficult for harder maps to be run with more than one in the party. Hopefully this would help fix that problem.

Rogues: Create an aura around the rouge that does damage to nearby enemies for 15 seconds.
The idea for this would be similar to the “ignition” proc of the flame forged daggers, only that the rogue can still use skills while it is up. Rogues have probably the worst ultimates, and this would give them a more offensive choice.

Let me know what you guys think. Again, the purpose would be to try and better balance the game. Right now, all classes do well with dealing with mobs, but rogues excel when it comes to boss fights, making the other classes much less useful. These ideas, as well as the changes to skills I mentioned in my previous post, would give all classes a more equal value.