I really find joy in writing, and I could go a lot more in depth than this, but I will do my best to keep this as short as possible.. so with that being said, let’s just delve into this controversial topic:
This cap had so much potential, a true chance to help PL rise from the ashes (a chance unheard of in literal years) – but it is glaringly obvious that this was not accomplished.
Despite that bluntness, I do think there is still a chance to save 110, and ultimately, PL’s timeline, because let’s face it: this is going to be the last cap.
I think to begin with, we need to clarify just what has been causing the problems (not that it isn’t already clear, lol).
So, in no particular order:
There is – literally - no incentive for PvPers to cap;
Ebonthrax is too unrewarding and difficult to solo (who has time to organise a group if they log on for spurts of 10-15minutes?);
It’s close to 1m xp to cap, and the highest orb that drops is 5k;
And, to top it all off: Horrendous drop-rates for necessary gear.
Listed like that, I think the solution presents itself quite eloquently.
WhoIsThis sums up the context for my next point better than I am able to, so I will use his work as the basis for what I am about to say:
I think an important distinction to note is that only player types 2-4 are what is left in this game, even then, groups 3 and 4 vastly outweigh group 2 (unbiased fact, please don't argue). Twinking is slowly dying, and yes, I know I have been saying that for years now, but it's real this time: There are literally 2 "active" levels which house < 15 unique players each day, and that is only because it is the closest thing to balanced PvP without the endgame grind - and even then, it is a pale imitation of what PL PvP has to offer.
However, the overwhelming majority of the remaining players are here solely for Endgame PvP. If you want the majority of the playerbase to participate in the new cap (and spend money), give them an incentive to do so: don’t hide necessary gear (mythics) behind outdated drop-rates; and, either buff the drop-rate of orbs, or allow 10-20k’s to drop.
It goes without saying that I don't speak for everyone, but I have definitely been around longer than most who are active, and can recognise what is healthy for the game and what is not. 110 is not.
I didn't want to add yet another thread to the current mess of the current General Discussion, but all you lot are doing at the moment is arguing with no real construction or thought to your posts.