First of all, I just wanted to say that I'm loving the new cap and I'm glad it has brought many, including myself, back onto a game we've cherished throughout its journey.
Everyone seems very pleased and happy with the current xp event going on this week which is easily accessible to all players in Pocket Legends. It has given an opportunity for many returning players as well as newer players to cap and really get back into things within Pocket Legends.
With the many newly capped players as well as toons over this xp event, however, I hope that the current lack of ways in actually acquiring the complete L110 Mythical sets can be addressed sooner rather than later. From the looks of it, there seems to be a major concern on the fact that players are only able to obtain the Mythical helm and armour drops from the boss while the majority of the set being the weapons (both 1h and 2h), shields, rings, and amulets are locked behind Gold Dragon Treasure chests. It's just hard right now to see all these newly capped characters, coupled with the current lacking Mythical sets in circulation to actually have ~15% of these players obtaining the full Mythical sets even after provided time. Countless Gold Dragon Treasure chests have been opened yet the RANDOM Mythicals have been dropping at a supply which doesn't nearly satisfy the demand for them.
I understand that many have already thrown around possible ways for this to be changed and I definitely think SOMETHING has to be done about the obtainability of these Mythical sets. Any of the following could help with this and allow for more Mythical sets to be obtained by players in Pocket Legends:
A) Allow Ebonthrax from the Premium dungeon (through the 30 plat Hyper-Thrax Ticket kits) have a chance at dropping EVERY Mythical item
B) Increase the drop rates significantly for Mythical items through the Golden Dragon Treasure chests. -- I've seen and know of multiple situations where 1k plat have been ripped through only to have ONE random Mythical item dropping from these chests.
C) Decrease the platinum price for opening up the Golden Dragon Treasure chests to say 1 or 2 plat, while making the Silver Dragon Treasure chests free to open
D) Add a Mythical Vendor so that those willing to spend platinum can actually be guaranteed Mythical items and acquire the pieces of their choice
E) Make it so that maybe only 1 (amulet) or a MAXIMUM of 2 items (say the ring and amulet) locked behind Golden Dragon Treasure chests while having the rest drop from Ebonthrax
ANY one of these possible solutions will allow for more players to have a chance at experiencing and trying out these beautiful sets you've added either in PVP, CTF, or PVE. Heck players could actually have a reasonable shot at obtaining them if they just wanted to strut around town with their complete L110 Mythical sets haha.
Quite a bit has been done in addressing multiple areas post the update/new cap and I am hopeful Cinco can take anything along this line into consideration next!![]()