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  1. #21
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Looking forward to the events.

    We just completed the experience Prince Lev'Lar event, which was a roaring success. Looking at the leaderboads for guilds and capped characters.

    I feel the next event will be in a week or two or latter. And we will anticipate that.

    Again thank you for responding to our demanding community. Not all players are represented on these forums and many active players do love the direction the game is heading and we are enjoying the challenge of achieving those mythic sets.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I respect your opinions even though I disagree with them. Thanks for all of your well considered and well written feedback. I especially respect the restraint you’ve shown over such an apparently contentious concern.

    Telling you that things will not change in the immediate future is important to me because I want to set reasonable expectations. I do have numerous content and event plans that I think will be very welcome by the community (and will probably address all of the concerns expressed in this thread), but these things won’t be going live for a while.

    Clearly the argument is that if Mythics are not made available immediately the game will die. I take a different view but I will not hesitate to reverse myself if it looks like I’ve made a crucial mistake. The inverse is also true.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Just opened 150 chests in a row and got nothing but pink/elite gear I already have dozens of. Think I’ll count myself out of this little racket you got going until something changes. Till then looks like honor pvp for me, simple not worth it.
    Last edited by Faq; 08-22-2019 at 09:13 PM.

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  5. #23
    Senior Member Nihiliste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faq View Post
    Just opened 150 chests in a row and got nothing but pink/elite gear I already have dozens of. Think I’ll count myself out of this little racket you got going until something changes. Till then looks like honor pvp for me, simple not worth it.
    I’m with you and I completely agree. This is exactly why I refuse to participate in this gambling system. 4/6 of the Mythical sets are LOCKED behind a paywall. A paywall that gives you no guarantee that you will get a Mythic item. Because of this, I will not be supporting this game anymore until there is change. Never in PL history has a set been obtainable through locked gambling chests. My fellow guildmate, Crash, offered many solutions that can solve the huge problem of the scarceness of these Mythical sets. I mean you no harm, Cinco, but the inability to listen to your community in solving this issue frustrates and angers many of us so much. I understand that you have your expectations for this level cap, but let it be known that this is absolutely not it. You are driving many loyal players away with this system. You already have. There is an abundance of us that cannot participate in PvP because we don’t want to be eviscerated by the few who do have Mythical sets. The few who DO have Mythical sets are the ultra, filthy rich. But it isn't just an issue for PvP, but for PvE as well. Farming simply becomes not worth it when only 2/7 pieces of the set drop, and very, very rarely do they. This is not the way to do things. We are currently in a severe drought of mythical sets and we're suffering. There needs to be a balance, as all things should be.
    Last edited by Nihiliste; 09-06-2019 at 09:28 PM.

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  7. #24
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    ^That Thanos reference at your last sentence was gold brutha

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  9. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    Looking forward to the events.

    We just completed the experience Prince Lev'Lar event, which was a roaring success. Looking at the leaderboads for guilds and capped characters.

    I feel the next event will be in a week or two or latter. And we will anticipate that.

    Again thank you for responding to our demanding community. Not all players are represented on these forums and many active players do love the direction the game is heading and we are enjoying the challenge of achieving those mythic sets.
    you keep saying that there are people with different opinions who don't post on forums. if they truly wanted to be heard, they would speak out. we all have the freedom to and as far as i see, those that are speaking out on forums and other platforms such as discord seem to be the ones who are the most passionate/care enough to put time and effort into being heard and want their feedback to be considered about how we can make this game better.

    it's just like voting: if you don't vote, don't be angry if you end up not getting your way.
    Last edited by burntoutdex; 08-23-2019 at 12:41 AM.

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  11. #26
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    I never get angry nor aggressive Cam.

    I remain polite and respectful always. Never personally attack another's opinions. Never put others down, never think my opinion is more important than another.

    And this is a public forum that many read, some are still unaware about.

    If you log on game and do a survey yourself and ask them do they read sts forums, you will be surprised. Also consider the time zone differences of players all around the world too when you do decide to do your survey or poll.

    I did agree with some of Crashes suggestions regarding these elusive Mythic items, and when Cinco responded. I understood and accept his reasoning behind keeping them the way they are currently.

    I also think about the game as a whole and how little changes will impact everyone and STS not just myself or my group of friends.
    Last edited by Fwend; 08-23-2019 at 02:52 AM.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
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  13. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by burntoutdex View Post
    you keep saying that there are people with different opinions who don't post on forums. if they truly wanted to be heard, they would speak out. we all have the freedom to and as far as i see, those that are speaking out on forums and other platforms such as discord seem to be the ones who are the most passionate/care enough to put time and effort into being heard and want their feedback to be considered about how we can make this game better.

    it's just like voting: if you don't vote, don't be angry if you end up not getting your way.
    Leave Sunny alone. Now.

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    Bumpskies for the crashies

  15. #29
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    For as long as this cap has been active I have only seen 2-5 complete mythical sets. And from what I understand Elite is easy to get, however, Elite stands no chance against mythical items so with that being said you’re going to need a mythical set to PvP. I feel they need to be more common so people do not have to spend millions in gold, and hundreds of dollars in Platinum to get these parts. A event seems like it would be a good idea to drop mythicals easier. That, and also agree Ebonthrax should drop ALL mythical parts, not just helmet and armor.

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  17. #30
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    Problem can be solved without compromising the value of mythics: Give the host of pvp rooms some selections, such as:

    - min level (example 106)
    - max level (example109)
    - Gear rarity (up to pink, elite, mythics...). This would solve the rarity of myths right now
    - Classes (bear, bird, ...)
    - enchant/no enchant gears (we dont want to burn gold on elites while there are myths out there, so try non-enchant elite sets?...)


    System only allow ppl who meet requirements by the hosts.

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  19. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by chau View Post
    Problem can be solved without compromising the value of mythics: Give the host of pvp rooms some selections, such as:

    - min level (example 106)
    - max level (example109)
    - Gear rarity (up to pink, elite, mythics...). This would solve the rarity of myths right now
    - Classes (bear, bird, ...)
    - enchant/no enchant gears (we dont want to burn gold on elites while there are myths out there, so try non-enchant elite sets?...)


    System only allow ppl who meet requirements by the hosts.
    This will just make getting a mythic set obsolete instead of solving the issue as a whole.

  20. #32
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    Obsolete how? Was level 110 obsolete because it was so difficult to level? Are pets obsolete because they are useless in pvp? No. At the least many people will still pursue myths to solve hard pve events that in turn in give back more wealth in furture. Then rich guys fights in myths games when things are more widely available

  21. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by chau View Post
    Obsolete how? Was level 110 obsolete because it was so difficult to level? Are pets obsolete because they are useless in pvp? No. At the least many people will still pursue myths to solve hard pve events that in turn in give back more wealth in furture. Then rich guys fights in myths games when things are more widely available
    Capping to 110 was no harder than capping to 77 it costed way less plat and around the same time for me at least. Pets don’t matter in pvp they are for pve and looks so that point shouldn’t matter for pl pvp. we don’t have hard enough pve events yet that even require a full mythical set. As of now a full team of elite and a pet can run through any map with ease. Only the rich in mythic pvp room...that will further separate the community which is not what we want here, we want to include everyone and the best option is making mythical easier for all to obtain. I understand your reasoning it sounds like a ok option but realistically it would only divide the community and make people not want to put in effort to get the mythic set. Why should I spend all my gold to pvp with a few people in a mythic room when I could pvp with most the community in elite. Mythic sets shouldn’t just be a collectors set but a set we all have to use in pvp and pve sooner rather than in a few months. And trust me I thought about separate pvp rooms when the cap first came out also but thought that it wouldn’t accomplish much good for the community as a whole.

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    The way you say mythics would be obsolete with my option is the same way you say level 110 is obsolete compared to the popular pvp level 71. Why would you spend much effort and gold to play 110 when you would enjoy with the most at 71 already.
    In general, most people will try to archive the best in all aspects, be it pve or pvp, or economic.

    - you master pvp, that is one satisfaction
    - you make profit at trading and get rich, another satisfaction
    - you farm loots the most efficient way, another satisfaction

    Simply put, pvp is a thing, whatever manner you choice to play it. But owing the most powerful things in your inventory simply make you to be ready for everything. People wont stop anytime soon. The cap will be around for at least a year to come? We have time.

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    I agree that the dragon should drop everything, even at extremely rare rate.
    Disagree with Vendor option, make the game a game and not a shop. No work no fun.

    Overall, if everyone got their myth sets before 6months over, its the insult to the word "mythic", right?

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