Pocket Legends’ PvP has seen its ups and downs over the years. 110 is perhaps one of the worst endgame PvP Levels ever made. Perhaps that is too blunt? Perhaps you are asking why that is the case? Well, it’s simple: stats are so ridiculously blown out of proportion that it will be impossible to find balance without a complete overhaul of stats.
I’m only creating this thread because the precedent has now been made that PvP stats can be changed
a lot without affecting PvE stats.
Well, now that is out of the way, you may be asking what endgame level I thought was balanced enough to warrant creating this thread. The answer is Balefort Sewers. Why? Well, the simplest way to put it is:
every single combination of gear was completely viable on any class. Pocket Legends has always been a game that has encouraged unorthodox stats and gear-specs (Pallies, Int Bears, etc) and having a level cap where every combination was viable really created a vibrant, fun, and balanced PvP experience for everyone.
Now, it’s easy for me to say that PvP is unbalanced, but it’s another thing for me to show you just how broken endgame PvP is at the moment. To preface: I used only one skill as an example as I do not want to sit here for hours calculating perfect percentages for the entirety of the PL skill tree. I used break armor as an example because I knew the numbers off the top of my head (plus it divides easily into more numbers than percentages do).
A bird’s Level 6 Break Armor at the 56 cap created on average a 21.28% armor reduction on the opponent without buffs. Now? Well, a bird’s L10 Break Armor in this cap creates on average a 1.63% armor reduction. (calculations found below)
To the people that have no idea what I just said, I’ll try to word it a bit better: to have break armor do the equivalent average armor reduction%, the debuff would have to do -702 armor instead of its current -54.
However, I do not recommend adopting this approach for every debuff in the game; as Honour PvP would be literally ruined.
What I would like to propose for endgame PvP balance is the following:
Model the loot-table to have the same stats as their counterparts in the 56 cap did whilst in PvP arenas, with some stat modifications in place to accommodate for L10 skills and 500 stat points.
Mythic sets should have the equivalent stats to Custom/Enchanted/Fortified sets
Elite sets should have the equivalent stats to Raid Roach/Mega Mage/Fury Fighter sets
Legendary sets should have equivalent stats to Sewer King/Sewer Queen/Royal Sewer sets, Epics should have equivalent stats to Henchman/Bodyguard/Mastermind sets
And so forth.
The best part about that? Well, it means mythics would no longer be a
necessity to PvP, which opens up balanced PvP to the overwhelming majority of the playerbase; the ones that are not the ultra, filthy rich.
What do I mean by stat modifications? Well, if we take our break armor example and apply it here again, a -54 armor debuff changes the average debuff% to be 44.3%. This means to replicate the feel of sewers PvP with L10 skills, there needs to be a 2.11x stat boost for the total armour, HP, and damage of these new sets. (calculations below).
Here is an example of what the 110 Mythic dex set would look like with the new stats:
Note how the armor, HP, and damage have been changed to suit the modifier, to accommodate for L10 skills.
The final thing I want to mention is enchantments. Enchantments exist purely to generate revenue and to make our Legends more powerful. If we seek perfect PvP balance then there is no need for enchantments in PvP at all.
Instead? Well, taking Dolloway’s suggestion out of one of my other posts, enchantments should be made PvE only with these stat boosts instead:
I do believe this is the best (and only) approach to take to balancing endgame PvP perfectly.
Honour PvP should not be touched at all by these modifications, please!
If you want me to go ahead and work out modifiers that take into account the entirety of the skill tree and not just one skill please tell me.
Thanks to Kingfu, Physiologic, Angeldawn, Ellyidol, and Dolloway for letting me use their posts as a reference for some numbers.