Quote Originally Posted by plpr View Post
People getting sets to play the game how it is meant to be played?It's actually Impossible to say this is a bad idea. If you say some crap like "I spent money on my set pieces with plat" yea boohoo what do you want? A playable game where it's fun and competitive? Or your precious mythic set to retain it's value That you "Worked" so hard for. And to imagine other players getting it any easier than you. That's just incomprehensible. I know a good amount of people who've spent hundreds enchanting items and would gladly take the financial loss and have all of there gear wiped clean and have pvp return back to normal so they can have fun again rather than cry they spent platinum enchanting it. If your mindset is "I spent money for this and I deserve for it to be super rare" You sound like a small child That doesn't think very thoroughly.

I wonder if you’re referring to me having my own mythical set cause I do not( don’t even own one piece )

A quest line with giving away free mythical items would 1)decimate the values of current sets it would 2)its unnecessary

1) if the values for the mythical items decreased to bread crumbs there would literally be no need to make PVE maps throughout this campaigns life. There would be nothing to farm ( why would I farm if I can get it through a quest anyways)

2) A mythical set is no where required in order to play through the PVE side of this game. I’ve seen hundreds of runs with full elite teams, were they have blazed through the maps and destroyed the dragon dude with ease. Get yourself a elite set and find a party constantly run ebon, you’ll get yourself mythical gear in no time. Then you’ll be able to sell and by yourself the weapons/shields/ammys/rings.( I don’t agree with weapons/shields/ammys/rings being locked away with a paywall thingy)

If you suggest the idea for a quest line for one full elite set go all for it, that is basically the minimum to do well in pve and build up from there.

And all I said was no

++ Why not play the game how it’s supposed to be and farm :0
People would farm if they werent only able to obtain a armor and helm. This two pieces btw, both are like 60m total for each set. Youd have to get like 8 armors or like 12 helms to even be close to the gold amount needed for the rest of the pieces. 8 and 12 was giving the drops the benefit of the doubt as well. Even the vanity that drops in the map is like 20m. The drop rates arent good either. I don’t necessarily think a whole quest thing should be put into place, but something has to give with these pieces. Oh and another thing, there are way less thraxx games open too. At the start of thraxx tickets( like 3 to 4 weeks ago). These games were open all the time. Its hard to find anyone running it anymore. This also adds to the struggle of even getting the helms and armors. I also wanna say that you are right anout pve and mythical sets, but this community is split between farmers and pvpers. Cinco is only accomodating the farmers side of this. This then wipes like half of the entire game from wanting to play. Rn PL, in its current state, does not need a decline in players just because they arent smart enough to implement something that makes the mythical pieces somewhat easier to obtain