Hello all,

Well I've been having tech issues. My phone broke, and I must wait a month to get a new one. The only other this I can use to play would be my iPod, but the top of the screen is broken. No crack or anything, just a screen malfunction.

I won't be able to play SL for awhile. By play I mean grind. My iPod works good enough for me to use touch pad to move around. I can't play well enough yet using this to go out on runs. That being said, I'll pvp with my guildees for fun or just chat.

If you pm me, I will take a bit longer than usual to reply because of the screen. I apologize ahead of time to anyone who will invite me to runs. Sorry, but I'll run with you when i get a new phone or something.

This is also keeping me from the forums a lot, so I apologize for that too.

The good news is that my cousin might give me her old android, bad news is that I don't know when she will.

Ty for your time,
