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Thread: Plqx here [emoji4]

  1. #1
    Senior Member synfullmagic_23110's Avatar
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    Default Plqx here

    Hello all it is PLQX and it is currently September 11,2019 (one is the worst days in US history and I’m sincerely sorry to those who have lost love ones and I hope everyone is doing better) and it’s a nice cloudy day in California. I got bored today during my hour long break in between classes and I decided to hop on PL forums. I started and looked at the post and quickly got bored, they were either rants about the current cap or complaints about the current cap. 100% understandable but this has this been the situation for a while now. I decided to change it up and little and look back at my old post. I went back to my very first one and realized how innocent and how much of an open book I was. I was laughing and cringing at the way I used to type, the way I went about things but it was all fun and games back then and still is! The community was really close to each other back then too! Made me realized why I can’t let go of this game even after serval years of playing it and getting bored of it on a daily basis. I would make some of the most dumbest and useless post, but the community would still be there and go along with the joke, I would get various replies of everyone just having fun. Now a days, people can’t even say that “the update will be tomorrow”. I just wanted to say a big thank you to programmed and rescind and laar and burningdex (sorry if I spelt any names wrong) for always being there during my forums adventures and I also want to thank everyone else who wished me happy birthday on my 15th birthday hahah
    Last edited by synfullmagic_23110; 09-11-2019 at 12:12 PM.
    hai doods

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  3. #2
    Senior Member synfullmagic_23110's Avatar
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    Default Plqx here

    I also made a post titled “regret” that explained how I regretted installing this game. However I realize now that it was a very good and harmless decision I have made and no longer feel that way.

    I hope you all have a good day and forgive me for my disrespectful behavior that I sometimes do in game.

    Thank you for reading this little rant I have and I hope everyone keeps growing

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Last edited by synfullmagic_23110; 09-11-2019 at 12:15 PM.
    hai doods

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  5. #3
    Junior Member #waydog2020's Avatar
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    Forum Adept fruitbattwo's Avatar
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    I have no idea what you’re talking about. Of my 9 miserable years playing this game, it’s just now finally starting to get good!

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  8. #5
    Member Tpfelblatt's Avatar
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    U r so cute .-.

  9. #6
    Senior Member Rescind's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, Korea. umm wait that seems a little off
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    Quote Originally Posted by synfullmagic_23110 View Post
    Hello all it is PLQX and it is currently September 11,2019 (one is the worst days in US history and I’m sincerely sorry to those who have lost love ones and I hope everyone is doing better) and it’s a nice cloudy day in California. I got bored today during my hour long break in between classes and I decided to hop on PL forums. I started and looked at the post and quickly got bored, they were either rants about the current cap or complaints about the current cap. 100% understandable but this has this been the situation for a while now. I decided to change it up and little and look back at my old post. I went back to my very first one and realized how innocent and how much of an open book I was. I was laughing and cringing at the way I used to type, the way I went about things but it was all fun and games back then and still is! The community was really close to each other back then too! Made me realized why I can’t let go of this game even after serval years of playing it and getting bored of it on a daily basis. I would make some of the most dumbest and useless post, but the community would still be there and go along with the joke, I would get various replies of everyone just having fun. Now a days, people can’t even say that “the update will be tomorrow”. I just wanted to say a big thank you to programmed and rescind and laar and burningdex (sorry if I spelt any names wrong) for always being there during my forums adventures and I also want to thank everyone else who wished me happy birthday on my 15th birthday hahah
    Hey plqx I just hopped on forums for the first time in a while cuz I felt nostalgic. Saw this post as one the recent ones. I miss the old days screwing around on forums and in game too! Hope all is well

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