Quote Originally Posted by Futumsh View Post
I think what's being referred to as a nerf (but isn't, it doesn't affect any existing content) is that damage reflection scales down against content above the level of the thing providing the reflection. If you're using a 71 item that provides damage reflection in 71 content, it's the same as always, but as you progress to higher level content, its effectiveness is reduced. For fully effective damage reflection in 76 content, it would need to be provided by a level 76 item (or warrior ultimate from a 76 warrior).
so thats why immo bow, dragstaff proc etc. is not as effective as before because of lvl of the player or lvl of the mob/boss? Then it will happen again with ebon weap and armor? If i want better proc effectiveness like drag staff i will stay to lvl that dragstaff lvl have? Or if im lvl 76 im using ebon then im going to lvl tha mob lvl is lvl 60 down it will effect same or it will reduce because of my lvl?