It's common sense that you want to build on a strong foundation. PL now doesn't have such a thing. It survives on seasonal events. New, returning/casual players will log on and leave again because they can't catch up without adhering to the PL time schedule. These days you get stuck in Oktal or the latest abandoned ship campaign because you need an Oktal pet, armor with high health and preferably a good group. And then if you want to PvP you get oneshot by Mythicals that are locked. Twink levels were for transitioning or passing the time until you can get the required amount of gold and to endlevel. There are honestly more charming games out there if you enjoy the grind alone, so there is really no reason to stick around for that part of this game.

Please at least consider giving quality-of-life type suggestions a higher priority. Identify and recognize the problem, and then see what solution is realistic and you think will help this game move forward. Player feedback is useful because we are the ones actually playing this game. You just look at at numbers.