Quote Originally Posted by Naetheanimal View Post
Whamm still the best by far, mages will only use zamm for mana regen after a fight.

Now that whamm gives even more armor, plus damage reduction at L25/27,fights are too long and ffa's pressing buttons randomly. Pls Cinco makes fights quicker. Its useless to be a rusher now or ffaing.

Anyway, thanks alot for trying to balance, but whamm will be the unique option.
So far that's not the case. Armor value is irrelevent when you realise that even with max Iron blood you can still be nuked. Ever since i bought blamm armor and started rushing I'm killing just as fast before. Only thing i truly dislike is the HP regen on whamm since it's not going to do anything but the extra armor will cancel it out. The best armor right now IS Blamm.