Hello Lads and Lasses ! Me and my friends wanna introduce our guild to ya all !
We originated within a small group of old players and got together and created this guild as a part of our family.
Preferably an Endgame Pve and Pvp . With recruitments very simple that is -
1. 51+ toon level. ( Alternative characters of any level are allowed )
2. No toxicity .
1. Do not be rude to anyone unless they actually know that it is a joke .
2. Blind invites and Begging will lead to direct Boot.
3. Promotions are closed unless there is voting through officers and co- masters.
4. Asking for promotion will also lead to boot .
5. Purely endgame based so we do not entertain much those who keep asking to level them .
- We lay basis on no spam recruitment and minimal guild events to prevent the greedy people joining our guild for the sake of reward .
# Co- Masters - Encourage , Now ,Jiren, Troxxic, Hylosbylos.
#Officers - Fadedembers ,Terrablood , Seductionveil , Davis ,Skydos , Mysteriouz , Nitamalay ,Seniorpery , Airbrakes, Angelskin.
------Part of which to join a Guild is to help and also make friends along the way, stay and have fun and if you wanna leave, we hope you enjoyed staying and have a great game! --------
Important- Close friend of any guildie is allowed neglecting the lvl requirements.