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Thread: #BuffBird @Cinco

  1. #1
    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Default #BuffBird @Cinco

    Mages haven't had a nerf since 2013, foxes was given 2 overpowered buffs that they didn't even need, bears lost all their dodge from nerf and got a lousy buff towards their iron blood, and rhinos has received 3 nerfs into 1 skill in a span of 6 years. Where does that leave birds? In a even worse predicament than rhinos thanks to pretty much every update ruining them in some way. Let's give some examples.

    Damage: Birds do not own a single Damage buff because of the class being a Crit character. Yet when you take a look at Focus it says in bold Critical Chance instead of the needed Critical Damage. Giving birds critical chance is like giving mages slashes, it's not friggin practical!! Why Crit Chance if they don't deal damage in the first place to even get a crit worth while? If any class deserved the 25% Damage buff it would of been birds not the already broken skilless fox class that held 22, 31, and 56 hostage for years prior to the buff.

    Outdated Skillls: Let's talk about these absurd numbers. 6 Focus gives 26 Base Hit and 26 Base Critical Chance. Compare that to Mages who are given 25 Critical Chance, 1 less than birds. Bears who give 20 Crit Chance, 6 less than birds. Foxes give 24 Critical Chance, 2 less than birds. And last but not least rhinos who give 7, 19 Crit Difference the only balanced number. Why does a crit base class barely have a few numbers over other classes like tanks or mages? Why is it that Birds Focus gives 26 Hit at L.6 but foxes give 60 at the same number?

    Let's now talk about the pathetic skill known as L.6 Blind. How did this skill go from op in twink to absolutely useless to have? I've talked to so many bird players who easily agree with me that Blind is either bugged, which is why it doesn't work, or Hit% numbers aren't correctly listed. I've blinded players with just 85 hit alone and i was still killed in a flurry of attacks right after. This skill is useless as it stands and needs to be the first thing buffed or looked at if there was to be a bird buff.

    Break/Shatter is a joke. I don't even need to make a input about why it's a joke skill but my question is why the random numbers? 26 at L.6 is random and I'm starting to see a pattern here. Let's compare L.6 Focus to L.6 Shred from foxes. Shred at L.6 is -60 Armor!?! Some would say it's because foxes are a melee class but when you have 2 dashes the argument of range becomes irrelevant. Yeah you could say with both break and shatter it would be -50 armor but the chances of both landing before you die is well past 60% at this point.

    Meditation is the most useless skill in the game. Even L.1 Rhino Might that has a 10% Chance of landing is even somehow more useful in both PvE and PvP than having Meditation at L.10. This skill needs to be replaced with something else.

    My Solution would be a entire class rework starting at the source of their problems. Birds should be given the same damage buff foxes received or a individual skill damage buff that would allow them to deal a good amount of damage instead of getting clobbered by every other class, keep in mind birds don't have a damage buff to increase their skill dmg tenfold so the thought of birds having the most skill dmg of every class holds logic. I would then start on fixing the skills of the class such as making L.6 Focus give 40/40 for start or at least 30/30 with Crit Chance being swapped for Critical Damage. I would definitely see what's wrong with blind, again i don't know if it's bugged or hit% is no fixed in stats which would explain the problem. Next up is reworking both shatter and break. All the armor reduction should be removed from Shatter and added towards break, having them separate has always done more harm than good in my opinion and in the current meta it shows greatly. No comment on meditation as me, dolloway, and Cam already made over 500 posts on it alone so I'll just link it in this thread.

    This is just my solution so if anyone wants to comment and add to it be my guest. #Cinco

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    Forum Adept dmt's Avatar
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    Birds don't need a "buff" at ENDGAME but Rhinos needs a nerf it's clearly
    I don't know about twink PvP

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    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmt View Post
    Birds don't need a "buff" at ENDGAME but Rhinos needs a nerf it's clearly
    I don't know about twink PvP
    Well this thread isn't about endgame dispite how endgame is the cause for the reason birds and rhinos suck in twink. The entire argument that rhinos are OP is overused. There has been too many examples proving that endgame stats allow classes to exploit them to be stronger thanks to a lack of balancing in the gear, but this thread isn't about what's going on in endgame this is only about twink. Endgame buffs and nerfs have done more to ruin the game than this thread could to any who would try and make that argument. Endgame gave us a completely nerfed bird, buffed foxes hoping to make them viable in endgame only to completely do nothing outside of destroy twink. Nerfed bears dodge and dodge in general to absolute zero, 30 Dodge cap at crap and plays into bears and birds being the weak links here. Plus the absolute destruction of rhinos in twink, L.17-76.

    As it stands now the only thing saving birds in endgame is a viable Blind, -70, and a viable amount of crit on endgame gear. Take them away and birds would die like they did in the beginning of 80 cap.

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    Senior Member plpr's Avatar
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    Default #BuffBird @Cinco

    What PVP level are you talking about? There are none left to balance. It’s either endgame or level 25 blaster auto pvp. Both are a joke And its clear balance isn’t a priority. On another level, PVP has never been a priority for them and it seemingly never will be. How many hundreds of threads complaining about the same things have never been fixed? It must be in the thousands. It is absolutely pointless to touch any classes skills or stats when the core pvp is absolutely unplayable and ruined.
    Get on a level 22 once and join a level 18 game. Then join a 22 game. Then join a 27 game. The stats in every game are completely different it’s like a jungle gym mess that nobody can decipher. How bad is the design that just 5 levels away your doing 250 damage skills then 50? What a joke.

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    Last edited by plpr; 11-02-2019 at 02:40 PM.

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    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plpr View Post
    What PVP level are you talking about? There are none left to balance. It’s either endgame or level 25 blaster auto pvp. Both are a joke And its clear balance isn’t a priority. On another level, PVP has never been a priority for them and it seemingly never will be. How many hundreds of threads complaining about the same things have never been fixed? It must be in the thousands. It is absolutely pointless to touch any classes skills or stats when the core pvp is absolutely unplayable and ruined.
    Get on a level 22 once and join a level 18 game. Then join a 22 game. Then join a 27 game. The stats in every game are completely different it’s like a jungle jim mess that nobody can decipher. How bad is the design that just 5 levels away your doing 250 damage skills then 50? What a joke.

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    That's true. The game did go in a different direction that nobody wanted. While elite PvP is indeed a joke compared to normal PvP we still cannot just ignore it. Elite PvP is becoming the face of twink now, especially in 25+. It's now our job to balance the elites so that it's at least fair in some aspect. Wham armor use to be so much more op compared to the zamm and blamm, now look at it. Elite 1 hand weapons will be buffed soon and elite blaster might be toned down. Obviously work is getting done to fix the issue. That does not mean we should ignore the class issue.

    Tournements aren't hosted in regular PvP so let's get that out of the way. Endgame cannot and will not have any tournements until mythics are taken out of paywalls. That leaves us with honor. Honor PvP is the most balanced we've got and even that has it's issues, one of which is based on class. We shouldn't ignore that either.

    Also stat difference only applies to 25-27 lobbies where it's based on how 2013 felt, this isn't exactly like 2013 PvP but close enough to be replicated.

  10. #6
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    You can't balance anything without a solid foundation to stand on. Twink PvP in PL does not have that anymore.

    Twink Birds don't need a buff; twink gear needs nerfing. Historically, twink birds have performed decently in every meta with the right gear. Relatively underpowered? Maybe. Need buffing? Definitely not. (the key word is relatively.)

    Making threads like this when PvP is in its current state is a bad idea: it gives the impression that there is a chance to balance elite twink PvP when there just simply is not. Say the phrase: "1000hp at level 25" to yourself and you'll see what I mean.

    Sure, lootcrate gear should be 'Elite,' but I still don't think a level 25 item should outperform level 76 sets.

    Before we even begin to repair Twink PvP, some things need to be set in stone - things that even our "community's fractured voice" can agree upon:

    Elites being available at L25 is bad;
    Damage modifiers need to be removed;
    Spawns need fixing, desperately; &
    Low level enchantments are unhealthy for balance.

    Balance should only be discussed after these things are changed. Otherwise there is literally no hope for Twink PvP balance. I'm sorry, but that's literally factual.

    Twink bird skills cannot be changed without having negative affects on endgame Honour (which is in a decent spot right now, minus spawns). The workaround to this is arena modifiers; but I still stand by the argument that they're like putting bandaids on amputations - they are of no help - and do nothing to work towards balance. As Plpr said, why must 5 levels difference create +-200 damage with identical gear?

    That's all that needs saying for now.

    It saddens me deeply that the best PvP on the market had to die in the name of revenue.
    Last edited by #waydog2020; 11-02-2019 at 05:21 PM.

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    At L25 a average player has 121 armor, If u have break at 6 is - 26 armor, wich is kinda useless to max it, at L30 average player has 230 so - 26 armor on break is useless, BUFF BREAK.

    Im thinking birds at 10-22 would be OP, but l25-30 birds need a buff.

    Also remove damage reduction from L25-27,is no longer necessary. Only makes fights unnecessary long. Thanks.

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