The store didnt get an update since Twilight expansion, everything there is old.
Consider updating:
1) Item packs - It has Level 46 and level 51 gear option, why not add level 66, level 71, and level 76 too?
2) Bundles - 150 plat for a 15%luck amulet, Fob gives 20% luck and you get it for 30k gold in CS. Please check when was the last time anyone bought any of these bundles, if people are still using it then keep it, or its time for a major upgrade.
3) Pet Eggs - I dont think anyone in their right mind (even a new player) will spend 250 plat on mythic eggs that cost 10k gold in CS. Why not release heroic or arcane version of those pets exclusively for store?
4) Venity - It can use an upgrade too, the old sets are good but may be 1 vanity set with every expansion wont hurt - the hc players will buy them anyday.

People will only buy and use plats if you give some stable options to spend on, not everyone likes to gamble on locked crate.