Quote Originally Posted by Futumsh View Post
No need to bump the thread.

It's on my list to eventually allow falling back to a method that will work around the problem, but frankly, the actual problem is on your ISP's end of things, and it's only a problem for badly behaving ISPs, so it isn't a high priority for me. You have a workaround via VPN in the meantime, and/or you can work with your ISP to get the problem fixed on their end.
My internet is very good when i use for other things though, like youtube or downloading. I will try to get a VPN working on my phone.
But really, this problem never ever happened to me before. Only recently it started to happen consistently and constantly. So im thinking it could be STS's side of things, since i have not changed my ISP in years.
Thank you for replying btw, futumsh

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