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    Thumbs up A New System

    Hello There. Since we are in the early days of 2020 i couldn't help but wonder what this year had to offer for PL. Are we to expect a new major event? A new system? More items to be added towards twink? That i cannot answer but what i can do is offer many great ideas. As the title says, this system is something i had the time to play around with in another game called Bullet Force.

    The way this system works is by allowing the host the ability ban any and all items he wish from being used in his game. To some this may seem to be a excessive privilege but hear me out. In that game there exists many items the community may deem too powerful to be in pubs(public), items that may out class others or items that cost currency to buy. By giving players this privilege it completely nullifies the call for items to be nerfed as, like booting, if there is something you don't like, just ban it.

    Now I'm not saying that this system should be the same as the one from Bullet Force as there are too many items in this game for it to be done. So instead how about this. Make it so that the system bans items depending on their grade. Meaning if i don't wish to use L.25 elites in 30 I'll just toggle off the Elite grade for weapons and armors. If i don't want Enchantments in my 35 game then I'll just toggle off Pink rings and amulets. This would be the best case scenario as it'll save the devs from having to nerf items people have paid for or spent alot of gold towards. This will make everyone happy as there is no losses on either side of the spectrum.

    To make it even better why don't you throw a enchantment toggle in there also. With that added many players could use their beloved old items such as ESB, EWT, EMS, and all of the L.76 Swift items. A toggle for L.50 and 100 Pure would make things even better.

    Again this is something i and many others vouch for 100%. Let's have 2020 be a banger year!
    Last edited by MageFFA; 01-09-2020 at 09:04 PM. Reason: Decided to explain it more in depth.

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    Sounds like an idea that could take a lot of headaches away!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absolize View Post
    Sounds like an idea that could take a lot of headaches away!
    Indeed. This will benefit everyone. Nobodies money would be a stake and we all can enjoy every bit of PvP from OG to Elites to Honor.

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    Good to me +1

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    Bumping this Thread

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    I agree this could work this could allow us to pvp at the lower levels like we used to!

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    hai doods

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    A good idea that has been suggested countless times. However, as unfortunate as it is, it probably won't be implemented.

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by #waydog2020 View Post
    A good idea that has been suggested countless times. However, as unfortunate as it is, it probably won't be implemented.
    The difference between this suggestion and the others was the fact that we all kept calling for the complete removal or nerf of elites and enchants. This will not do such a thing as it gives the players the freedom to choose what the host wants or do not want in their game. This will not effect Enchantments or elites at all since players can choose to still use them. If Cinco's whole goal for not wanting our other suggestions was based on how it would effect players who spent/spend gold or money on elites/enchants then he should 100% support this thread unless he has something else in mind....but 2020 is a new year with infinite opportunities for us to make a difference. Hopefully this is the one.

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    Very creative! But to be clear: the effect of banning items at the Host level (as described) is another variation of 'remove Enchants,' but it comes with the added complexity of 'sometimes don't remove Enchants.' I have read and considered the proposal and know for certain that in order for this to be successful it would require a massive overhaul of the Hosting system... which for a game of PL's age and population doesn't sound like a wise use of resources.

    All that said: maybe there is a way for us to get somewhere close to this by collaborating on a list of equipment sets for a particular level bracket that gives players access to a specific PvP zone (kinda like how Honor works but with non-Honor equipment items). Perhaps there is a set of gear that would be absolutely required in order to form the set - which could come from a variety of items - and a few slots left entirely open. I could see making a "Balanced Level-X Twink PvP Gear List" and allowing players into the zone only if they have a proper sub-set of these items, prevent gear-changes in the zone, etc. (gear would only be from one Level to start). This would be a lot of work and could take a while to implement but it is feasible whereas reworking the Hosting system is not.
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    Exactly ... just sell pvp for plat ... 60 min ticket ... just as described choose from level and gear to use so as to limit all the variations ... it’s like next generation honor pvp

  14. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    Very creative! But to be clear: the effect of banning items at the Host level (as described) is another variation of 'remove Enchants,' but it comes with the added complexity of 'sometimes don't remove Enchants.' I have read and considered the proposal and know for certain that in order for this to be successful it would require a massive overhaul of the Hosting system... which for a game of PL's age and population doesn't sound like a wise use of resources.

    All that said: maybe there is a way for us to get somewhere close to this by collaborating on a list of equipment sets for a particular level bracket that gives players access to a specific PvP zone (kinda like how Honor works but with non-Honor equipment items). Perhaps there is a set of gear that would be absolutely required in order to form the set - which could come from a variety of items - and a few slots left entirely open. I could see making a "Balanced Level-X Twink PvP Gear List" and allowing players into the zone only if they have a proper sub-set of these items, prevent gear-changes in the zone, etc. (gear would only be from one Level to start). This would be a lot of work and could take a while to implement but it is feasible whereas reworking the Hosting system is not.
    I like this idea but I'll have to ask if the honor arena will revolve around a singular set of gear. The way i interpreted your solution is a honor arena dedicated to OG [B]SET[/B ]PvP. For example L.50-51 honor lobbies will require the players to have a full set like shotty 3pc while equipped with a ring and amulet under the name Sentinel Ring and Amulet. If what you meant was a singular set of gear then there will need to be a poll on what it should be. I believe L.56 Glyphic sets are the most balanced of them all to do this.

    Quick input in this honor arena do you think it'll be possible to switch sets or equipments of the same name ingame as long as it's part of a set allowed in the lobby?

  15.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    I like this idea but I'll have to ask if the honor arena will revolve around a singular set of gear. The way i interpreted your solution is a honor arena dedicated to OG [B]SET[/B ]PvP. For example L.50-51 honor lobbies will require the players to have a full set like shotty 3pc while equipped with a ring and amulet under the name Sentinel Ring and Amulet. If what you meant was a singular set of gear then there will need to be a poll on what it should be. I believe L.56 Glyphic sets are the most balanced of them all to do this.

    Quick input in this honor arena do you think it'll be possible to switch sets or equipments of the same name ingame as long as it's part of a set allowed in the lobby?
    I was thinking that we might create a long list of acceptable gears for a particular level. Allow it to include whatever the players / participants thought would be fair (could be multiple items per slot, per class... as the list can be quite long). It may be possible to allow players to switch between approved gears on the list - because any of the approved gears would complete the required set... but I would want to have something in place like the Honor movement + damage output penalty if you switch to something that isn't on the approved list. It's definitely hacky but like I said before it qualifies as 'feasible' :-)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I was thinking that we might create a long list of acceptable gears for a particular level. Allow it to include whatever the players / participants thought would be fair (could be multiple items per slot, per class... as the list can be quite long). It may be possible to allow players to switch between approved gears on the list - because any of the approved gears would complete the required set... but I would want to have something in place like the Honor movement + damage output penalty if you switch to something that isn't on the approved list. It's definitely hacky but like I said before it qualifies as 'feasible' :-)
    Cinco, literally the only thing you need to do is ban QTRs from pvp. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need to make a whole list of gears, no one hates any 50-76 gear besides QTRs. What MageFFA actually wants is no QTRs AND no enchants. Making an approved list of gear is a complete waste of time, just ban QTRs in pvp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    Cinco, literally the only thing you need to do is ban QTRs from pvp. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need to make a whole list of gears, no one hates any 50-76 gear besides QTRs. What MageFFA actually wants is no QTRs AND no enchants. Making an approved list of gear is a complete waste of time, just ban QTRs in pvp.
    Nah. Can’t be done. Thanks for suggesting tho ;-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I was thinking that we might create a long list of acceptable gears for a particular level. Allow it to include whatever the players / participants thought would be fair (could be multiple items per slot, per class... as the list can be quite long). It may be possible to allow players to switch between approved gears on the list - because any of the approved gears would complete the required set... but I would want to have something in place like the Honor movement + damage output penalty if you switch to something that isn't on the approved list. It's definitely hacky but like I said before it qualifies as 'feasible' :-)
    What me and fellow player FFA had thought up was former cap honor arena starting at 50. At L.50 you have the Sets created from Shadow Cave Cap, these items include the entirety of a complete Keepers, a complete sentinel set, a complete hate set, and the rest of the cyber equipments. At 51-55 it'll included the entirety of what is part of the original sewers drop list if not just the pinks, at 56-60 you'll have the complete glyphic drop table as equipment used in the original 61 cap, that includes demonic. At 61-65 you'll have the complete drop table of equips from MT Fang Cap including the crafted variants. At 66-70 you'll have all of the humanias drop table including crafted variants. Same will be done for 71-76 Blacksmoke cap and it's crafted gear. 77 cap I'd most likely make the last of this honor arena but that's up to you.

    In this arena you'll be required to use items from these caps with a platinum ring of your choice. Now we would have amulets off but you could put out a amulet that'll allow you to join the honor arena. Now obviously this will be a 5 level cap to join so a 55 can join a 50 game. A 61 can a 56 game but you'll be required to use the gear dedicated towards the expansion.

    Oh and we agreed that this honor arena and the amulets used such as a 'Sewer's Cap Amulet' will require plat purchases! I do suggest we start at sewers as many will agree that it is the all-time best cap introduction of this game.
    Last edited by MageFFA; 01-10-2020 at 01:45 PM. Reason: Typos

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    If this is supposed to sidestep Enchantments it might be better to choose something at a lower level. It seems wrong to put all the effort into doing this for 50+ if there’s going to still be a problem with Enchanted gears. Does that make sense?

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    The problem is, enchants is in large part what ruined the 50+ pvp community. There used to be full pvp games at every level 50+. Now, you can sit in an empty game for hours before someone joins. The reason? Enchants, amulets, and qtr gear, that all contributed to making 50+ pvp extremely unbalanced. I think the idea of creating an honor arena for some of the most popular previous caps, (such as sewers) would bring back tons and tons of people. Along with everyone purchasing the arena for plat, you could make an amulet that would allow you to access the map (similar to honor) purchasable for plat. People would flock back to the game in hoards for sewers pvp and ctf maps.

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    The problem with it being below 50 is that there are so many sorts of gears that some would include. I originally planned on it being L.25 plus but me and FFA agreed how complicated it'll be. Like where would we start? Should Toymans and Paws be added? Reapers and tinsels? What i do suggest, and that's ONLY if you think it's needed, is based on Plat or set gears. Again we could make a poll for what the player base would want below 50 but i fear what people may ask for.

    The only sets i know of below 50 is L.25 crystalline, Onxy, and Earthquake. L.35 Voodoo, Copper, and Swamp Rat. Thats it.
    Last edited by MageFFA; 01-10-2020 at 02:09 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    If this is supposed to sidestep Enchantments it might be better to choose something at a lower level. It seems wrong to put all the effort into doing this for 50+ if there’s going to still be a problem with Enchanted gears. Does that make sense?

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    I agree with FFA on this. I believe Enchantments should not be enabled as long as you're in the honor arena. Here we have a complete host of some of the best cap introductions in this game that we could play again in their finest glory. This would flock many players back to doing PvP overall.

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