Before we see a nerf bow, rhino should be tweaked first because nobody wanna see that after bow nerfing (of course IF it's happening) Rhinoes are two hit killing every non tanky class.

Bow nerfing should make -

-Tank classes viable including bear. I Don't see why they say bears not viable but it easily beck stomp kill non tanky classes and in a teamplay it's STILL the best asset for a team
but get killed so easily with bow so yeah, after the nerf it should be good even at 1v1.

-Mages viable as well, I don't see mages being weak other than being too squeezy against bow so I don't think they need any buff other than they lacking some mana pool if that we wanna add some like +2k at the INT gear of course..

As for the nerf, 600 damage reduction from bow auto damage but at the same time 500 armor increment of bow should be fine as armor is too low need balance.

As for Rhino we need to fix 2 hit kills and for that skill 'Redemption' 2x combo damage can be lowered to 1.5x and in return add damage to 'Rhino Might' skill and 'Holy tempest', It's fine that if it gets more damage than loosing if that can empower them at other levels as well(Although I've NO clue if that they really good or bad at twink) but the purpose is of course distribute all the damage from Rhino's combo to other skills.

Well thoughtful comments are welcome but criticizing and funny comments are most welcome bcz some of them are really enjoyable.