Hello im the GM of STARR in SL run by my main wizardstarr,but SL to me got old and I play PL now.

I made my guild from SL and now bought it to PL.

My main is eaglestarr and my guild is a basic guild,active,and organized

Eaglestarr-Lvl 57

Second GM:
Oseyy-Lvl 61

Best helper:
Oseyy-Lvl 61

The best officer:
Forcepink-Lvl 32

Oseyy-Lvl 61
Wizardstarr-Lvl 51
Emeraldstarr-Lvl 38
Forcepink-Lvl 32
Xxxxgracexxxx-Lvl 12
Xxstarrxx-Lvl 8

(Need to get names)

(Need to get named)

I gave the list of people so if you want to join you can contact one of them

The info

*my guild isn't about popularity,it's about helping

*Me and Oseyy level anyone almost all day we help and offer pinks that we don't need to the players who need them the most

*Forcepink is the one who gets people in the guild the most he is very loyal and honored to have him in with us

*officers isn't chosen by levels,its by helping and active

*reciters are for level 10+

*members are easy to be xD

*we treat each other fairly


*Tier 3 guild hall

Anyone can join now!