Quote Originally Posted by foreverhero View Post
thanks for the help with crafting i appreciatte it can someone now please tell me what it means to farm exp is that just what they call grinding in this game and what is sloting a pet mean thanks so much to whoever can help mek wtih this
Grinding may refer to running the map u can make xp in over and over, or it can mean running the quests that give xp that aren’t the maps you can normally get xp in. Like, you are level 30ish now, and can’t get xp in nordir maps but if you go to stronghold town there are daily xp quests you can do there and the quest will give you xp even tho the nordir maps don’t give u xp.
After you unlock all shuyal, tindrin , & the next towns, there will be xp quests available daily you can do to level up, even if you can’t make xp in the map normally.
Here is a link to the daily xp quests you can do after you level up


Slotting pets means putting one type of egg into either the “hb” (happiness bonus), or the “aa” (arcane ability) which allows making pets more strong in different ways
Here is a link to a guide about that…

Cheers mate