Hello everyone!

I would like to request that honor PvP maps be differentiated between level 100 honor gear and the elite, level 105 honor gear. As of right now, honor maps enable anyone to freely join with either of these sets.

Obviously, 105 elite honor gear is overwhelmingly superior to 100 honor gear. Honor PvP is a hot commodity garnering lots of recent attraction (whether it be tournaments or for fun). From my humble experience and perspective, the vast majority of PvPers opt to use 100 honor gear simply because it adopts a more familiar, balanced, and speedy level of gameplay.

Lately, there's been a surge of players entering games using 105 elite honor gear to overpower those using 100 honor gear (yes, the toxic ones). I know I speak for many who would like to see honor maps specifically for 100 and 105 honor gear.

I hope this is something STS will consider to implement, because otherwise, it could potentially deter a lot of the PvP activity that we've only just begun enjoying. Locking games isn't really an adequate solution since players enjoy the freedom of swiftly entering open games.
