For bella master Eoe-15

As much as I have things to write here with proofs of ss and video I'm not just doing it because they've been fooling themselves already. These kids as much as they did to us posing and how much to curse at us as much as they cursed are worth nothing and are wonderful results.

We saw how you play in my team that you sits and every time 10 losses in a arena and we already realized that it hurts your heart and I personally cautioned you do not mess with us and do not pose with us and new players who come to the game and I will always help good people who know what is the honor ..

And here you come to a situation where you cry that we at pvp kill you all the time Respect you don't even know what it is and I don't pretend you're like baboons at the moment and don't respect people who are older than you.

I will kill you in the arena all the time and it will make you lie again about the things we did not do

In those 14k players you have I believe there are some good people but unfortunately 90% you have Atls just for numbers for people's eyes as if you are a lot of guild people. Okay you have some people a bit with respect but that doesn't mean you are part of them and how much you start new guild pvp against us it won't help you because me enough people got to know this game here. And I'm one of the people who always tell the truth in your face , enough you bring lies behide about my guild and thats called snake tricks what you did here

Go to the forum and see how much you are a liar Baboons

personally recommend that you stop posting in the forum because you are making shame jokes for yourself and at this you will remain without people at the end ;-)