Quote Originally Posted by Knightnight View Post
Ok if you want be personal at people we can go there with no issues . Puryfyheart is by far the most arrogant and gobby players in dl . It’s a pity Cinco doesn’t want further ss posted here as he gives about 100 per appearance. Eoe are an issue to the game it’s full of beggars and low minded trolls so much so that I don’t even have to look at an alt to see where they came from . Normally first line of chat they send or the spammed trade requests are enough .
As for people running in here to proclaim their innocence it’s a joke really total joke. If eoe want to start slinging mud about then sort your own house out first . Bring some discipline to your guild stop the the spam stop the begging scamming and idiot attempts at trolling and on cheating stop farming your own Alts in pvp for leaderboards and kdr yes it is cheating and yes it’s pretty pathetic .
Where is your proof that purifyheart is that bad ? What's funny is that only you Namco and your friends (guild members) and your online girlfriend say that kind of thing and without proof too. Where is your proof ? Everyone in game disagrees with what you said. What's even more funny is that you're even too scared to use your real name in dark legends on forums. More sign that you're scared and nothing you say is true lol