Quote Originally Posted by Eiser View Post
Just a few thoughts in my mind for a vampire themed game based on other videogames I played.

1. Ability to shape shift into a bat or summon pets,beasts and other creatures to help in pvp and pve.
2. New Map Expansion- aside from Carvina and Old Town and Subway. An introduction of medieval castles, and dark forest to give a more vampiric setting.
3. Introduce new weapons aside from swords,axes,knives, knuckles - maybe explore whips, guns, spears, bow and arrow etc.
4. For PvE- like in other MMORPGs, we have this weekly/monthly Super Boss where all players are welcomed to kill it. And boss gives rare items.
5. For PvP- training ground (no kills and deaths recorded), pvp map to locate teammates and can pinpoint on it for strategic purposes.
6.new daily log in rewards. It can vary per day such as gold, vanity, weapon, gems and pets and platinum.
7. New powers- ice and lightning type maybe. We got too much fire power
I personally dont think guns would be a good idea, this isnt cod, or games like that. ranged wespons would seriously change the game.