Remember the days where you could farm locks of the watch? Or eggs that would sell for alot? yeah those were the times.
But times have changed. Most eggs are now dirt cheap due to eggzavier, and STS decided to remove looting old locks, but why?

It's because back then, peoples max dmg would be like 500-600 and it would take more time to farm, making it more balanced. Nowadays however, people have like 4k+ dmg and it's just not fair. People will farm so much and then the price of the locks would go down, making it worthless. But why not make new locks in the first place? Maybe make new locks that could be farmed in elite places like Tindirin, or Shuyal, ect. I also remember a post talking about making heroic eggs lootable, which I think is a good idea. But back to the locks, I think that they should also make all those old locks lootable again, but very rare. What do yall think?