Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hi all, I regret to hear that so many of you felt that the contest was not worth doing. I tried to be clear in the rules that platinum would be awarded randomly, and that awards would be just for fun. That way, anyone who participated knew that they were doing so for fun, and possibly plat.

I chose to do it this way because we’ve had feedback in the past worried about us playing favorites or putting monetary value on our subjective opinions of who did best.

However, your feedback is strongly noted and I will definitely take it into consideration for the next contest. Many thanks!
Quote Originally Posted by Nocturnus View Post
and please specify next that it is a lottery and not a decoration contest... Ty
Hi all I think we all made mistakes in this event. Remiem did say at the outset that the plat reword and vanity would be given for random. I personally made the mistake of thinking winning in one of the categories like most creative or most luxurious meant that you would get that tittle in game to display. to show you took part and did the event like most events in game that was a mistake on my part. it was one of the reasons I ran To be honest and I think a lot of players made that assumption as well. in the outset if the players just wanted the plat and vanity reword they could of just posted a pick of a wall or anything to enter into the raffle. The name of the event was deceptive in that part but that being said if everyone new that on the outset I don't think the event would of gone The way it did. There would of been a lot more pictures of random walls and so on and no one would of spent the time and effort to get involved and actual do up there houses. But saying that because it went the way it did we got to see some amazing creativity. I mean guys some of your builds were amazing I was taken away. I often was thinking why didn't I think of that . So congrats to you all. for future events it would be nice to see prizes like most leaderboreds like tittles banners badges E.T.C. lets not give up on building those amazing houses I hope to see more soon. I may do something for Easter as well