Quote Originally Posted by Habibibi View Post
Hello everyone!
In my humble opinion, well it's hard to not agree with certain complaints. Maybe things would have been different, despite all the insulting and stirring up drama.

Game has a huge community and many people enjoy playing their own way, thousands of players like to play on their own in solo mode while others enjoy being attacked or attcking other players, and then there is the PvE mode I have to agree. This is a game, and there’s no ‘fair’ pvp, anyone of each side will do whatever it takes to WIN. You just have to try and try again, if you really want to learn, and not give up easily. This games population will slowly dying off everyday as people have nothing to do anymore @Cinco. Nobody wants to sit there and farm the same boss over and over and over again. People want to be able to show off what they bought with their gold through pvp, and to be able to be noticed for their accomplishments. @STS needs to find a way to fix this PLEASE? Bring back the events for pvp! It’s what kept it alive @Cinco!
P.S new players: Regarding aggressive whispers: Reporting in-game is necessary, Simply blocking someone is only temporarily protecting yourself, but not stopping anything from happening again or to other people.

We need our PVP population back. The last topic I would like to discuss is 100% on the players and not the developers of sts: player etiquette. All I ask here is for everyone reading this thread to make it a point to not block, gang, or maliciously trash-talk other players PLEASE!

Adding to that,

We want to be in a competitive environment Thank you for your time and interest in reading my comment..
100% Agree.