Quote Originally Posted by reyals View Post
"Rising death" changes target priorities of s.pierser

Shadow pierser WITH "rising death" - hitting closest target
Shadow pierser WITHOUT "rising death" - hitting targets in front of rogue, even if it's more far from rogue than target behind

Imagine rogue between 2 enemies:
enemy #1 in front of rogue at distance 10meters, enemy #2 behind rogue at distance 1meter, s.pierser with "rising death" will go to enemy #2, s.pierser without "rising death" will go to enemy #1

There's nothing about target priority in description of upgrade, also why it changes mechanics of skill.. so it's bug...?

I would like if sp will go to far enemies in front instead of closest enemy behind (its how all skills working...), but still need that upgrade because it helping to get procs from weapons/armor76.
Yeah its been like this for years