[ Loyal League of Assassins Member ]
“The right woman in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”
Blast from the past , nice running with you guys
PL- 76, SL -51,DL-36,AL- 41
Alan is in a crabby mood, he ok?
Is he feeling blue?![]()
So glad to see u guys again ingamehopefully I'll run into sarge sometime
Officer of League of Assassinz
Hi Loa
-Awaiting LoA arrival-
So.. If League of Assassinz is doing a return tour permanently.. After all I see is ALL talk here. Let's just do this
and reclaim SL once again!
-Raises my hand up above my head-
LOA IS #1! EH? EH?
-Pouts and walks away-
I guess not..
Will League of Assassinz Return To Star Legends?
Will They Ever Reclaim The #1 Spot Of Guilds Once Again?
Stay tuned on the LOA channel..
[ Loyal League of Assassins Member ]
“The right woman in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”
I like turtles
It's good to see that League of Assassinz isn't FORMALLY dead. Well, not all the way at
least. Good to see a few of you are still remaining. Except Careful and Fatality are closing in on
the leader board for the top guild. At he most that I do know and also understand that in my heart.
You guy's are number one. I never seen a guild who can be represented in ways that people literally
give you thumbs up on. I wish you guys were here.
As for BabyDeeDee. She decided to stop playing star legends. In her own words. It's not the same as
it once was. Not enough of players. And too many guilds. And she also sends her reguards to each and
every one of you. And as for me, ladies and gentlemen. I intend to create my own guild. And offer my own
alliance to you. Where we can offer each other's help. For our members. In recruitment of new players. I'll
hope to see you guys around. Add mein the game. As you see here as a friend. Let's talk alliance.
[ Guild Leader of Black Lotus ]
Last edited by Eviction; 02-25-2015 at 12:55 AM.
Sgtsloter: SL. LVL 51, AL. LVL. 41, DL. 36, PL. LVL 75
[ Loyal League of Assassins Member ]
“The right woman in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”
I miss the old times we played in SL (2012), what are you guys up to now ?![]()