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    Spacetime Studios Dev TzatOps's Avatar
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    Default 2020-04-30 Content Update (274321)

    + New loot, pet and vanity items to celebrate 'week 2' of the Beach Gauntlet event:
    + Get the new trade-friendly "Beach Bunny" vanity hat (and fluffy tail) from the token vendor!
    + There is now a chance to loot "Chevy" the Landshark from the fifth Beach Gauntlet boss!
    + An account-bound version of Chevy the Landshark can be purchased from the token vendor.
    + Account-bound Buda's stat bonuses are now visible when viewed in the event vendor's item list.
    + Plus: the Immoral Moon Gem Relic now offers 25% chance to Dodge incoming attacks.
    | | | |

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    Forum Adept Uptosts's Avatar
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    Fluffy tail? There's no fluffy tail in the token vendor cinco.. just Chevy and bunny hat
    Last edited by Uptosts; 05-02-2020 at 11:22 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uptosts View Post
    Fluffy tail? There's no fluffy tail in the token vendor cinco.. just Chevy and bunny hat
    There's tail with the bunny ears lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Msidgaf View Post
    There's tail with the bunny ears lol

    Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
    Ohh Sorry! Just noticed now :-)
    Thank you for this surprising update STS!
    Last edited by Uptosts; 05-01-2020 at 07:40 AM.
    Guild:-Yrs Of Living Dangerously~Game Politics

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    Quote Originally Posted by TzatOps View Post
    + New loot, pet and vanity items to celebrate 'week 2' of the Beach Gauntlet event:
    + Get the new trade-friendly "Beach Bunny" vanity hat (and fluffy tail) from the token vendor!
    + There is now a chance to loot "Chevy" the Landshark from the fifth Beach Gauntlet boss!
    + An account-bound version of Chevy the Landshark can be purchased from the token vendor.
    + Account-bound Buda's stat bonuses are now visible when viewed in the event vendor's item list.
    + Plus: the Immoral Moon Gem Relic now offers 25% chance to Dodge incoming attacks.
    This is such a nice surprise

    Much love from us at STS! Thanks you so much @Cinco & @TzatOPs especially, providing and keeping us inspire about the event and new stuffs. Keep being awesome, keep making great updates and thinking outside the box.

    <3 Much appreciation and gratitude <3
    ꧁༒☬B E L L A☬༒꧂

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    Forum Adept Tinkerbelldoll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tzatops View Post
    + new loot, pet and vanity items to celebrate 'week 2' of the beach gauntlet event:
    + get the new trade-friendly "beach bunny" vanity hat (and fluffy tail) from the token vendor!
    + there is now a chance to loot "chevy" the landshark from the fifth beach gauntlet boss!
    + an account-bound version of chevy the landshark can be purchased from the token vendor.
    + account-bound buda's stat bonuses are now visible when viewed in the event vendor's item list.
    + plus: The immoral moon gem relic now offers 25% chance to dodge incoming attacks.
    bring back classic red bath set

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    Tysm for bunny and shark hehehehe but too tiring to get tokens

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    Please! Please! Please! Consider making new buda and shark pets bought from vendor tradable. Most of us grinded really hard to get those 7500 tokens and would be a greatly appreciated and memorable birthday event item(s)

    Even if they are never to be repeated collectable pets, at least give us the option to trade stash them or they will end up like clarabelle stuck in the abys of our backpack forever

    Im also prepared to run a voting poll to get support if that will sway you mind?

    Much appreciated in advance

    P.S if you want the non tradable buda and shark made tradable and stashable please leave a like on this message.
    Cheers 😷👋🏻

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    Quote Originally Posted by TzatOps View Post
    + New loot, pet and vanity items to celebrate 'week 2' of the Beach Gauntlet event:
    + Get the new trade-friendly "Beach Bunny" vanity hat (and fluffy tail) from the token vendor!
    + There is now a chance to loot "Chevy" the Landshark from the fifth Beach Gauntlet boss!
    + An account-bound version of Chevy the Landshark can be purchased from the token vendor.
    + Account-bound Buda's stat bonuses are now visible when viewed in the event vendor's item list.
    + Plus: the Immoral Moon Gem Relic now offers 25% chance to Dodge incoming attacks.
    Thank you so much for shark pet. .

    Cinco, what about "buda" pet drop in fifth boss?

    And I hope in future "Burning/Snowy Wolf" as Pet in future events.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minionmaster View Post
    Please! Please! Please! Consider making new buda and shark pets bought from vendor tradable. Most of us grinded really hard to get those 7500 tokens and would be a greatly appreciated and memorable birthday event item(s)

    Even if they are never to be repeated collectable pets, at least give us the option to trade stash them or they will end up like clarabelle stuck in the abys of our backpack forever

    Im also prepared to run a voting poll to get support if that will sway you mind?

    Much appreciated in advance

    P.S if you want the non tradable buda and shark made tradable and stashable please leave a like on this message.
    They're stashable but not tradeable

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    Thank you for the additional drops cinco ,the new pet will add some more diversity to the pets with stats boosts so we have variety to choose from whenever we want to farm or PvP but I want to also use this avenue to voice my concerns on the new gem stats particularly the elder moon ..while it's a good thing that the h/s was shared between the burning blood gem and this new elder moon gem the addition of dodge to that gem which already had the best stats of all the 4 new gems might end up causing major imbalance in the future and I'm talking about this with the potential newcomers that will PvP in mind further expansiate on what I mean I'll put it this way : before this event came all of us who missed the elder moon event in level 46 cap were waiting for a level 51 elder moon gem and now that it's here coupled with its drop rate being the lowest of all the 4 new gems it's going to be difficult to acquire as time goes on because for one thing players will hoard it due to its rarity and usefulness coupled with the fact that the drop rates aren't all that great and this will cause PvP to be imbalanced since most of the newcomers won't be able to acquire it and they'll have to use bracelet as an alternative ..imo the dodge would have been better on the sunrise beast gem just saying because the stats on it are pretty much wack to be frank , it's almost as if you just took obsidian and added +10 and +20 in stats here and there with 10% crit and a bit of armour so it would have been better if it had that 25% dodge chance than putting it on the elder moon that has insane stats already thereby making it highly overpowered but all the same thank you for the new content and I've had fun playing the event ..stay safe and much love to you and your team

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    If reversing the new non-tradable pets to be tradable is not an option, what about at the end of the event releasing a plat key that if bought will unlock your non-tradable buda or shark to be permently tradable?

    Just another option I hope you will consider please?


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    Cinco can u make the pets with plat option to buy plz and ty for the wonderful event. Can't wait to see what else is in store for us blood suckers this year. Much love Cinco

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    Quote Originally Posted by Msidgaf View Post
    Cinco can u make the pets with plat option to buy plz and ty for the wonderful event. Can't wait to see what else is in store for us blood suckers this year. Much love Cinco

    Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
    Alot of people do not have the time to farm and will be nice if you consider to add THE PETS W/ PLAT option @Cinco, overall I along with many others enjoyed the event. This event was really one of thes BEST althought. I loved the new pets!!

    Cant wait to see the next event!!
    Last edited by Habibibi; 05-02-2020 at 04:10 PM.
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    I really do not see any sense in making requests for the pets to be added for platinum purchase because first off this event was meant to introduce a new currency into the game which are the tokens and besides the tokens can still be gotten by paying platinum when you purchase the token packs and I'm sure that shouldn't be a problem for the plat spenders considering that most of you making this request spent over 5k platinum during valentine's event alone so for the benefit of the game moving forward and to preserve the rarity of items please cinco sir do not make them available for plat purchase because once this happens trust me there'll be nothing memorable about these pets because they'll flood the market with them and kill their value just like they did with valentine's vanities by constantly begging on here for them to be brought back for plat and not to mention that this also kills every incentive to farm the event
    Just my 2 cents

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    Firstly, my first post referred to asking cinco to make the new non-tradable pets tradable. My second post was a suggestive compromise if first option wasnt feasible.

    A plat key option will hardly flood the market or drop the price on the new pets, especially if they know that the are a one-off never to be repeated birthday celebration pets. Also it would be a gd reward for the most of us that grinded hard to get the new pet. None of the ones making this request spent 5k as you so arrogantly assume. We are the hard grinders as always.

    More Peace

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minionmaster View Post
    Firstly, my first post referred to asking cinco to make the new non-tradable pets tradable. My second post was a suggestive compromise if first option wasnt feasible.

    A plat key option will hardly flood the market or drop the price on the new pets, especially if they know that the are a one-off never to be repeated birthday celebration pets. Also it would be a gd reward for the most of us that grinded hard to get the new pet. None of the ones making this request spent 5k as you so arrogantly assume. We are the hard grinders as always.

    More Peace
    Agree with you brother, i opened like 20 chest only legendry itoms there and very rarely dropping gems pets, cinco sir do anythink pls

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    Cinco, do you mind adding some effect for Black, Gold and Red metallic sets? Bcoz they should have had something to be more attractive, a cool effect never seen in any other set but in those ones will be perfect.

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