Quote Originally Posted by Narana.Solarie View Post
1. I don’t agree with looting system. It would be meaningless if players are able to loot an item. Instead add achievements like the vardan. Special titles and achievements would be nice.
2. Gearwise make special BR gears that players are automatically spawn with. No proc, make it pure skill play. Or release BR gear that could be bought with plat. Simple gears and skillful play would be fun.
3. Set LB so that it could be competitive and as a price for the top, then sts could grant upgraded BR gear that is better than “normal” BR gears that are available at hand.

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Have u ever played battle royale?

The point of a battle royale is to have everyone start equally and they get stronger throughout the match.

If people started with their own gears, it wouldn't even be a battle royale...... and it will be unappealing to players who don't already have the best gears.

If this happen, the game mode will be dead like any other PvP game mode. Please reflect on what you are typing before sending it.

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