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Thread: Please buff warriors they are not strong enough2

  1. #1
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    Default Please buff warriors they are not strong enough2

    As everybody is avare today arived new game mode for pvp. In my opinion warriors dont do enough dmg. And i got hit by crit aimshot by rogue buffed with ebon armor and dags. It took 1% of my hp. So i came here to complain. Warriors should reflect all dmg, have acces to ult after every kills. Have no cooldowns. How about make their atack range so it covers whole map.I think many of us are going to agree. It was unbearable so i got it of my chest. Hope sts implements it.

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    Luminary Poster Encryptions's Avatar
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    I actually think war needs nerf on ebon aegis in the new pvp; it one shots anybody even if a war was to do 100 damage against eb aegis it insta kills him.. Everything seems to be fine, every class can kill each other without endless fights that take over 10 minutes to do. Warriors can actually kill each other without having an endless fight and relying on the zone to come in on them. Mages if they proc, they can take down wars and rogs almost instantly, and don't get me started on rogs. They insta kill anything, just hate getting spawn killed by them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
    I actually think war needs nerf on ebon aegis in the new pvp; it one shots anybody even if a war was to do 100 damage against eb aegis it insta kills him.. Everything seems to be fine, every class can kill each other without endless fights that take over 10 minutes to do. Warriors can actually kill each other without having an endless fight and relying on the zone to come in on them. Mages if they proc, they can take down wars and rogs almost instantly, and don't get me started on rogs. They insta kill anything, just hate getting spawn killed by them.
    +1 Agree.. nerf Ebon Aegis and Morgana Ability.. Thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by bedyns1 View Post
    As everybody is avare today arived new game mode for pvp. In my opinion warriors dont do enough dmg. And i got hit by crit aimshot by rogue buffed with ebon armor and dags. It took 1% of my hp. So i came here to complain. Warriors should reflect all dmg, have acces to ult after every kills. Have no cooldowns. How about make their atack range so it covers whole map.I think many of us are going to agree. It was unbearable so i got it of my chest. Hope sts implements it.
    This is not a war, rogue, or mage issue.....

    This is an issue of Drastically OP gear, enhancements, awakenings, OP pets being allowed....

    Those modes are already enabled in the current PVP....

    People have already been complaining about the disparity in the current PVP, so my input is that, if you are going to introduce a new PVP mode, why not do it while having those disparities eliminated????

    We need more of a hardcore type PVP where any elaborate buffs and weapons are gained via pick up...... Buffs, Pets, gear ( any rarity) It's a gamble.... U want the buff, U go get it, U first and clear, U got it... Others are there too, yall battle until the better person gets the chest..... (U push and stun them for the chest battle, depending on your current setup..... All setups mediocre??? Well, let the best mediocre win after attempting....)

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    I am a rogue and even i am saying “buff mages”

    Everyone secretly prays they load in next to a mage for an easy kill lol

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    I think its balanced as it it, but ebon aegis is fine if you just avoid it while it pocs.
    Since stacking of procs isnt allowed its better so tanks can have wide variety of gears to choose for.
    And ebon aegis only insta kill other tanks if the other tank procs dozer axe/aegis.

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    I was thinking they should give warriors another passive too... Like 300% haste or 500% goldloot.

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    lol certain weapons fit certain modes, its a cool thing that at least ebon aegis stays relevant, just like how skull axe is relevant on endgame pvp. I dont think it deserves a nerf. if everything below endgame's gonna get a nerf, then its as good as removing them from existence.

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    Warrior is already op because of the new arcane gears.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bedyns1 View Post
    As everybody is avare today arived new game mode for pvp. In my opinion warriors dont do enough dmg. And i got hit by crit aimshot by rogue buffed with ebon armor and dags. It took 1% of my hp. So i came here to complain. Warriors should reflect all dmg, have acces to ult after every kills. Have no cooldowns. How about make their atack range so it covers whole map.I think many of us are going to agree. It was unbearable so i got it of my chest. Hope sts implements it.
    ikr, i hope they buff rog too, having the same amount of max armor as warrior is boring, pump those numbers up!

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