The way you replied was quiet rude which i don't understand because i said i actually like the ideas.

with that being said no, I'm not from eoe 15 but it's clear you are frustrated at eoe for some reason.
my post was about recolors and again no, clothes isn't the only thing i care about in the game that post was just like yours some ideas to put in the game so you should understand. and i'm sorry but telling someone you don't know at all in game or in real life that she/he is lazy is extremely uncalled for.
(also servers do in fact help with lag..but guess i don't understand any of that)
i do agree using the word "impact" wasn't the right way of saying what i actually meant (my apologies my main language isn't english) i mean imagine if something goes wrong in the making of these and something seriously bad happens like people getting banned for no reason (yes this has actually happened before)

I agreed with everything, guilds do need changes all i am saying is that big changes can cause having big problems which i think you understand since bugs or mistakes happen in all games but fixing those bugs is harder or easier depending on the company.
also replying to someone's thread can be done in a nice more polite way i am in no shape or form trying to make you feel bad or insulting your ideas.

also note that i am not a dev of this game, it is not my decision to let these ideas happen in the game or not i'm just here to write my thoughts about your ideas.