Make a mini event the blue 10k awakening once a month or week xD
Make a mini event the blue 10k awakening once a month or week xD
No kidding. The price of blue awakening gems will reach 50-100k at its peak.
Adding blue gem sell to rotation will only hurt the sale of pink gem where Sts make real money, i would not do that at all if i were in their shoes.
Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk
Very Nice Move.. Well done STS
*So much laugh for those who sold there gears/items for hoarding awake gems*
Maybe people will finally understand that this event is aimed at improving your inventory and not just on earnings on awakened gems ...
Wysłane z mojego SM-G955F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Personally, i see this change as a good thing.
First off, the 10k bound gems will allow 'poorer' players to have a chance to try out awakening their items. Hence poorer players are defnitely benefiting in this aspect.
Second, with the increase to 30k for tradeable awake gems, this will deter away alot of investors. Not many people will be interested in investing this much gold into awake gems. Furthermore, with 10k bound awake gems available, most 'rich' players will choose to buy the 10k awake gems in order to awaken their items in the future. This therefore decreases the demand for awake gems after the event as rich players already hoarded the 10k gems during the event. This may prevent the price of awake gems to rise to crazy prices.
Next, to all those 'investors', this event will be disappointing for you. No point really complaining now, best is to move on and make use of the event and try to buy cheap gears during the event. The sudden change in price killed you, abit unlucky but lesson learnt is to not put all ur eggs in one basket.
Lastly, the 10k awake gems help liquedate ALOT of gold as both poor and rich players will most likely buy the 10k awake gems.
Enviado de meu LM-X420 usando o Tapatalk
This awa baddddd
Price of tradable blue is op . it must be at least 20k
its price will increase
I dont have gold to hoard elite gems and awake my gears to what i desire i tried to buy some but nothing( rip to those who cant afford to buy this gems and awake there gears ) gg and good move sts... Now i can rest and return if there is a better event after this...
Sent from my INE-LX2 using Tapatalk
Nice one STS ;v
I am so sad, because i lost my 1 mil, by buying those awaken gems and i got no gold loot awake at all. I wish i got at least 20% but it gave me no gl i think i am on bad luck :'). Does anyone know why am i so unlucky? Or did i do something wrong?
Kinda wish it's 8k for bound one
Ty sts for ruining game economy more it was ruined bec egg zavier now will be way more ty alot i will take a break from this game until economy return to normal
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agreed to this just make those awake gems bound so no one will get profit in the event. 30k for a tradeable awake gem is not that much for a multi millionaire player or pay 2 win players they will still get profit from it, also for those not that rich but is capable of hoarding these gems they will still get profit. I really agree that these event should just be a gold sink. Maybe make the awake gem 15-20k in store for all time so it wont make prices of items increase. Just my opinion is that this event just want to close the doors for new players because there's not that much of farming these days just gold loot. Elite maps and jewel farm is kind of available but farming for 100k+ for an hour will kill new players just to buy worth of 70m+ gears. Just a prediction of mine is just this will put all arc 76 gears worth 70-100+m in the future.