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Thread: Mages buff

  1. #1
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    Default Mages buff


    Can give mage buff plz?

    Mages now weakest character? It Just use to give mana and heal and some times curse enemy ( but please mages are not pet??)

    It needs buff

    Many players are changging their mages chargter and start using rouge or warrior

    Because its no benefit of using mage any more

    Rouge ,,,,, can kill bosses very fast,, very strong and maybe strongest on pvp

    Worrior can farm any thing and no other chargter can farm jewels like warrior and verypowerfull on pvp

    But mages ?? ,,,,,,, very useless

    Now mages changing awaken int to armor? You know why? Becouse the rouge can kill mage by on hit and maybe tow if mages use shield?

    Plz attentions on mage and give mages alittle help


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    Senior Member will0's Avatar
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    I agree some skills for mage are out dated alot mage skill are charge based so it can DOT. Gale is good debuff but it doesn't do Dots .... Clock Dots is also not quite in par with level 76 damage requirements and it is slow and needs charging...
    Lightning strike % can be increase for AOE too.

    one other skill arctic shatter:

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  5. #3
    Forum Adept Mitsooos's Avatar
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    Taokeri bro
    The mages is the magician in game and their skills is focus in magic.
    About life healer skill I think, nobody used anymore because of the auto potions use in options. And because if you are max out you have big health 10k+ and after you have spent so much gold to equipment, you not care about the potions you will spend in battle. (If you have life healer and arcane shield, you have only 2 attack skills)
    If you want to be the damage dealing certainly go and make a rogue .(making damage only has disadvantages of taking damage and pot intensive usage)
    I would like to see in the next post of anyone, at least a screenshot of his player. Because maybe you are the week and not all mages.
    I personally when I have one problem, I go and right: please help I have a problem, and not WE have or ALL mages need buff.
    I agree in case after lvl 76+ some skills will need improvement, and maybe will need a new tab in skill menu with 76lvl+ ability’s.

  6. #4
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    Ligthning is good as it it, and it has chance to hit up to 5 targets. If mages are buffed to be like rogues, then rofues will be useless cause mages have good aoe and crowd control and other abilities like curse freeze. If you want hp go for tanks, single target damage go for rogue

  7. #5
    Junior Member Leikervin's Avatar
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    Dude, like every character excels on something, warrior for tanking, taking aggro, hit multiples of enemies, rogue destroying single targets, and finally sorcerer, excelling on crowd control, supporting, deals alot of damage on group of mobs, so don't say mages is useless, maybe you just can use it at full potential

  8. #6
    Forum Adept Mitsooos's Avatar
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    I have played very much rpg games.
    Most rpg games don’t let you put skill upgrade free from start, you must fist open the skill =)then put the first upgrade =)after open the second upgrade and you upgrade it =) after open the third till you fill all upgrade you need.
    Some times you put extra points to one upgrade and then let you open next upgrade (here you do it when you want, they called SKILL MASTERY)
    Here in 20lvl you have a complete 4 skill build or the option to choose what upgrade of skills you want.
    So if you think that 1 upgrade or skill is not good or useless feel free and don’t us it.

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    rogues can win against warriors, warriors can win against rogues, warriors can win against mages, mages can win against warriors, mages CANNOT win against rogues. Buff mage.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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