This event seems like the most grindy and/or pay to win event in the last year, or at least in 2020. This is coming from a player who loved the Gauntlet event in its entirety (from the content, to the map, to the loot and drop rates/token values) and would like to see more events similar in nature to those.

As for this holiday event, sure you can purchase the MadLur elixir through trading other players and this will help you spawn the boss easier, but the tokens per hour are still abysmal. Without the elixir, I think there are some averaging 130 while others with the elixir maybe get 175 tokens per hour, or so I've heard.

If you add up the tokens required to purchase every vanity in the vendor, it comes out to 12,500 tokens, which would be the equivalent of farming for 70 hours (as plpr said) if you average 175 per hour, and that's with help from a plat purchased elixir.

Even if the event is extended for another week, many players still won't have enough time to contribute 35 hours each week to get enough tokens to purchase all the vanities. I don't understand why a non-leaderboard holiday event has to involve so much grinding. It honestly seems that the content wasn't thought through taking into account the event length, tokens able to be farmed per hour, and the token cost of vanities.

Also, there's nothing to farm the boss for other than crates (opened by plat only) or tokens. There's no exciting loot to look forward to dropping from the boss. As plpr said, adding in a pa's helm of any color to celebrate Independence Day would have gained the interest of many players, much like adding in the Black Holoshield to the St. Patty's event did.

I heard through Discord that you're planning on making changes to the event sometime in the morning. I probably won't play the event much or at all until then because it feels discouraging right now to do so, but I look forward to seeing the changes made and playing the event afterwards. Happy 4th of July to all