Quote Originally Posted by kulldeepboro View Post
900k withing 45 mins ? dont lie . who said am being lazy ? i was waiting for this event as much all are. i had big hopes from this event .. thought i will be having 20m somehow by the end of event and will be able to buy a decent item .. but whats the use of playing the event if dropping of gold is not more than 10k ..

gold inflation ?? so are u gonna blame those things to players ? did the player decide to increase the price of an item in the game ? do players want to pay high price for an item ? this all things where made by the dev in the past not by players . dev were running the system of gold cycle not players .. dev introduce who will have more and who will have less . if this game was play to win ,they wouldve never introduce the gold loot system or the locked crates which contains the only good items one can have ..
rn people with billions are only agreeing to all this nerf cause they already looted a sufficient amount of gold from previous event now they dont want any other players to have what they have .. i guess u dont come to those cate9 of players .. more people are complaining than giving compliment ,by that u shld know who is wrong and who is not ..

now dont banned me dev
Lie? Hahaha lol, i could have make more in deep marsh rn. That 900k is just from the events. And i dont have to proof to you im doing that within 45 minutes.

“Dev introduce who will have more and who will have less” i quoted this from u.
now tell me what game that didnt have this system????? If there is gold, theres that GAP
So Devs are trying to bridging THAT gap.