This will benefit everyone. Players who returned and farmed their way to increase GL, new players, low GL players, high GL players from years of playing. Atleast the boss drops up to 35K. Farmed my way to 600gl from March-Now. I prefer Dm/Gates Event 2 weeks open than this. For players who says this is "Balance" this is not balance not all of us are new players. We farmed/use plats to earn gold to get GL items. I myself bought plats, bought elite awakes and sell them during early months of returning in the game just to fit in the "GL farm" if you guys want to defend the new players they will benefit from Increase Base Drop from Boss. If you guys are going to complain about prices in auc rising up, then dont rise the price and let those new players, low GL players use their gold and let them have a decent gear. Just think about how you earned your GL items if it justifies the "Booty Event" which is stated to be a Gold Event.