As a Mage, theres many things to consider while building up my skills and gear, right? When Rogues are made for dealing damage (more specifically bosses), Tanks go to stop upcoming damage...mages have a full range of choices:

- May I be support?
- May I go for boss damage and use guns?
- Should I focus on skill damage with staff to clear mobs faster?
- Or use higher dps and autoattack?
- Going for mob clearing, makes me useless on Bosses?

Where we are needed more? How can I be useful to my team mates?
I do not consider doing PvP so what should I buy in endgame? Everyone is saying that Skratch Staff does miracles but I ve seen a mage with Skratch Rifle and Ebon armor melting a hydra in a blink of an eye.

Honestly, I am confuse.
Current doing full damage with non charge skill build but it seems theres many paths for me to choice rn. And the fact that I don't have BILLIONS to change my set all the time, I want to do a certain shot.

Any advices would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.