A New Event!
Speak to
Thiago, emissary of the
Ancient One.
Enter the portal at the end of the street to begin the mission.
(You can go 'solo' or 'multi!')
Protect the
blood phial as it winds down the forgotten tracks of Carvina's abandoned subway.
Defend against the mortals who would see the Ancient One remain in his sarcophagus forever!
Collect event points as the blood phial advances towards its final stop.
Bronze Tier
25,000 Points
Silver Tier
50,000 Points
Gold Tier
100,000 Points
Collect Blood Crystals currency from enemies to spend on new vanity helmet items!
The Crown of Blood
The Crown of Mercy
Bronze Tier winners get to choose one (1) account-bound versions of either the:
The Crown of Death

...or the:
The Crown of Greed
Silver and
Gold Tier winners' choices include
both of the above plus one additional account-bound vanity helmet:
The Crown of Savagery
Trade-friendly versions of the Death, Greed and Savagery helmets can be looted from the event boss... the Arc Dynamo-powered "Captain Braker!"
All enemies in the event zone have a chance to drop blood crystal tokens that can be traded to Thiago.
Event is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm Central, July 23rd.
Event runs for two (2) weeks, ending on August 6th.
Event Vendor (Thiago) will remain until August 9th to offer rewards.