How was this gold calculated or just from boss drops? Chests Included? You know chests were more a gold sink than anything else. Again. That "300" b gold was distributed between all players. Players buying these "100m" vanitied aren't players that got their gold from booty or house party. Yes of course you will see some inflation of awakening gems maybe or legendary or cheap set gears but not top end items because the events didn't give out so much gold.

I would like to know how much gold is farmed from marsh and gates. Both are more profitable than these events and aren't causing this inflation and they are around for ages. These events didn't cause inflation or price rise of these top end items. Overpricing/hoarding did. Saw a post of encryptions saying he bought 2-3 red balloon banners- exactly this causes this "inflation" not a mediocre at best event.